New Deal
Winners & Losers
Relief, Recovery or Reform
Odds and Ends

This critic of said FDR should use force if necessary to get everyone in line with his New Deal programs.  His popularity declined during the 1930s it became obvious he was an Anti-Semite and a supporter of Mussolini

Who was Father Charles Coughlin


What group of people were forced out of their migrant jobs in California and other states not affected by the Dust Bowl?

Who were Mexican immigrants?


The AAA and the NRA?

What is Recovery?


What act ended prohibition?

What was the Beer Wine Revenue Act (also the 21st Amendment)


What minor political party made huge gains in America during the Great Depression (with many later regretting their decision to join that party)?

What was the American Communist Party?


What Second New Deal Program did FDR create in response to  Francis E. Townsend's complaints?

What was social security?


European immigrants and their descendants living in the region were greatly helped by New Deal legislation

Where is the north east? 


The WPA?

What is relief?


What act created FDIC (insuring Americans' bank deposits?

What was the Glass Stegall Act?


Which of the following did not become new supporters of the democratic party during the Great Depression:

1. the working class;  2. the poor; 3. European ethnics living in the cities and elsewhere;  4. African Americans in the South; 5.Members of labor unions; 6. Jewish and Catholics 

Who were African Americans living in the South?


Who became very popular for saying that the elderly should be given $200 month from the government

Who was  Francis E. Townsend?


What group of people held almost 50 lower cabinet positions in FDR's White House?

Who were African Americans?



What is reform?


What act caused other nations to increase the price of American products being sold in their country?

What was the Hawley Smoot Tariff (Act of 1930)?


FDR scaling back some of his programs in 1936 and Social Security taxes caused what to happen in 1937?

What was a recession?


What former Louisiana governor's "Share Our Wealth" slogan made him very popular.  He wanted each American to be given $5000.

Who was Huey Long?


What group of African Americans were hurt by the limits placed on farming with the Agricultural Adjustment Act?

Who were sharecroppers?


The Securities and Exchange Act and Social Security?

What if reform?


Two answers required!!

What acts were created to help increase the prices of crops and goods by forcing farmers and factories to produce less!!??

What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the National Recovery Act?


What has been the long term complaint of the New Deal?

What is, it caused America to become a welfare state?

In 1935, who said that Huey Long was the most dangerous man in America?

Who was FDR?


The 1934 Johnson O'Malley Act -  funded states to  provide Healthcare, welfare, and education improvements for what group of people?

Who were Native Americans?


The CCC?

What is relief?

What act protected labor unions, causing a huge increase in unions and their power?

What was the National industrial Recovery Act  or Wagner Act)?


What term was used to describe the practice of people running to their bank, to withdraw all their money, when they heard the bank might be in trouble?

What is a "bank run"?