Election of 1800
The Louisiana Purchase
The War of 1812
Outcomes of the War

The "bloodless revolution" happened in 1801 when this party took over America's government.

What was the Democratic Republican Party? 


America bought the land from this nation.

What was France?


Jefferson used the Navy and Marines to put an end to this group terrorizing merchants on the Mediterranean Sea.

Who were the Barbary Pirates?


The British had kidnapped over 3000 American sailors for the last decade.  Madison had had enough of this belligerent practice. 

What was impressment?


The Federalist party came to an end when Americans learned of this meeting, where Federalists discussed having New England secede from the nation during the war.

What was the Hartford Convention?


Who led the Democratic Republicans and became president in 1801?

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


Jefferson was only trying to purchase this important city on the Mississippi, but he just couldn't turn down the offer Napoleon made. 

What as New Orleans?


The British ship Leopold fired on this American ship, bringing England and America close to war.

What was the Chesapeake?


Madison tried to avoid war by playing Great Britain and France off against each other.  Instead this plan backfired.

What was Macon Bill #2?


He became so famous with winning the Battle of New Orleans that he would become president.

Who was Andrew Jackson?


The Election of 1800 was a tie in the Electoral College, however.  It was this man who persuaded Federalist to vote Jefferson into power, instead of Aaron Burr.

Who was Alexander Hamilton?


Who explored the Louisiana Territory?

Who were Lewis and Clark?


Instead of going to war, Jefferson comes up with plan that essentially ended all trade along the Atlantic. Needless to say it was very unpopular and did not work. 

What was the Embargo Act of 1807?

The British humiliated America by burning this city.

What was Washington DC?


The war gave America access to this territory that America acquired in 1819 from Spain thanks to the Adams Onis Treaty.

What was Florida?


When Jefferson became president he pardon and released many journalists who had been thrown in prison for violating this law.

What was the Sedition Act?


Who was the Native American guide who saved the expedition countless times?

Who was Sacagawea?


To save face, Congress and Jefferson passed this so trade could resume . . . just not with Britain or France.

What were the Non-Intercourse Acts?


After "the Prophet's" defeat at Tippecanoe, this Native American and his followers joined forces with the British. He was killed and the British were defeated at the Battle of the Thames.

Who was Tecumseh?


The war also gave America access to this territory, with America receiving the southern half in a treaty with England in 1848.

What is the Oregon Territory (Oregon Treaty)?


Jefferson purchased this area for $15 million.

What was the Louisiana Territory.


The Louisiana Purchase did this in terms of the size of the United States.

What is double it's size?


Although Jefferson was unpopular, this Democratic Republican won the election of 1808.

Who was James Madison?


This War of 1812 ended as a draw and officially ended with this treaty.

What was the Treaty of Ghent (1815)?


With the nation united as never before and only one political party, historians dubbed the years after the war this, since everyone seemed to be getting along so well.

What was the "Era of Good Feelings?"