What defined the native American societies
(Hint: caused diversity)
Native societies were diverse due to the environments in which they lived
What colony was the first permanent English settlement?
What is the Columbian exchange
Exchange of goods, ideas, crops/animals, between East/West hemispheres.
Religious revival from 1730s-1740s emphasized individual faith and emotional sermons
First great awakening
What was an important crop in the Americas
1676 rebellion led by frontier settlers in Virginia against the colonial government, showing tensions between wealthy elite/poor farmers
Bacon's rebellion
What is a Joint-stock company?
Companies where investors pool in money and gain the benefits and lose little to nothing allowing funding for exploration.
English colony founded in 1636 by roger Williams promoted religious tolerance
Rhode island
Intellectual movement emphasized reason/individual rights influenced colonial resistance
British policy loosely enforcing trade laws in the colonies
Salutary neglect
Law passed in 1793 made it illegal to assist runaway slaves and required their return to owners
Fugitive Slave Act
XYZ affair
Early legislative assembly in Virginia's first representative government
House of Burgesses
war 1675-1676 named after a native American leader a conflict between New England settlers and Indigenous people
King Philip's war
What were the main labor systems in Period 1
Encomienda( forced labor from Indigenous on plantations/mines), Chattel slavery ( enslaved treated slaves like property bought, sold, and inherited), Indentured servitude( poor work off debt ), Mita system ( inca labor tax), Tribute system ( required to pay tribute, goods/money, to colonial officials).
1774 meeting of colonial delegates in Philadephia aimed to coordinate resistance against British policies
First continental congress
The proposal favored small states by advocating equal representation in Congress
New Jersey plan
What caused exploration westward?
Ottoman Empire cutting European access to silk roads, tech innovations (caravel, lateen sails, astrolabe), Portugal/Spain.
This Native American uprising in 1763 was sparked by British policies in the Great Lakes region after the French and Indian War
Pontiac Rebellion
This 1787 law set up the process for territories to become states in new northern territories outlining admission to the union
Northwest ordinance of 1787
Name of the mound-building society in present-day Illinois, known for earthwork structures
Female Puritan who challenged religious authority from Massachusetts
Anne Hutchinson
Early American newspaper publisher put on trial for criticizing the royal governor led to a freedom of the press
John Peter Zenger
This plan proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on population
Virginia Plan
These essays written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay supported ratifying the constitution
Federalist papers