The U.S in its infancy
The 1980s
Girding for Civil War
American Women
Not the Gilded Age!

The anti-federalists fears about abuse of federal power were well-founded after John Adams supported the passage of these controversial acts

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?


His assassination was announced to the country during a Monday Night Football game between the Patriots and Dolphins.

Who is John Lennon?


Nicknamed "Moses" for her work guiding slaves to freedom

Who is Harriet Tubman?


In 1950 Margaret Chase Smith became the first Republican to publically criticize Joe McCarthy's antics and did so while representing this New England state.

What is Maine?


While James Monroe presided over the Era of good feelings, the American Pageant uses this phrase to describe the corrupt Gilded Age

What is the Era of Good Stealings?


Before he gained fame on Broadway Americans knew him as our first Secretary of the Treasury

Who was Alexander Hamilton?


New England college football icon who played for the USFL, NFL, and is recognized as one of the greatest players ever to suit up for the CFL

Who is Doug Flutie?


Abolitionist remembered in part for his "Fourth of July" speech in 1852

Who was Frederick Douglas?

In the 19th century many women became involved in this movement aimed at limiting or ending consumption of alcohol.

What is temperance?


More than a million shares were traded when this building opened in 1886 on Wall Street

What is the New York Stock Exchange?


During Washington's presidency, residents in Western Pennsylvania were literally up in arms over a tax on this item

What is whiskey?


This was the best selling album of the 1980s

What is Thriller by Michael Jackson

This was the best selling novel of the 19th century and second only to the Bible for overall sales at that time

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?


She served as the first U.S Ambassador to the United Nations and drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


Corrupt NY politician often lampooned by cartoonist Thomas Nast

Who was Boss Tweed?


Hamilton's plan for the federal government to pay off states' debts was know as this

What is assumption?


Large telecommunications company forced to divide into smaller companies in the 1980s

What is AT and T?

Although it never passed, this proposed legislation would have banned slavery in all the territory acquired as a result of the Mexican War

What is the Wilmot Proviso?


Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the first feminist convention of Seneca Falls, located in this state

What is New York?


In the disputed election of 1876, instead of President Samuel Tilden this man became president when he promised to end Reconstruction

Who was Rutherford B. Hayes?


During the 1790s the American flag briefly contained this many stripes, the highest it would ever have. 



In 1982 this video game was so popular it inspired a top ten pop hit and Saturday Morning cartoon.

What is Pac Man?


This Alabama city served as the first capital of the Confederacy

What is Montgomery?


During the Gilded Age she founded the Chicago Settlement home known as Hull House

Who is Jane Addams?


Two days after meeting with Robert Todd Lincoln to discuss his father's assassination, this chief executive was mortally wounded

Who is James Garfield?