the roaring 20's
the Great Depression
Red Scare
the New Deal
What did people call the shanty towns, in which the hobos and poor people lived?
What is Hoovervilles
Which country made the first declaration of war?
What is Austria-Hungary
Where does the Red in Red Scare come from?
What is The color red is associated with communism and the Soviet Union flag
What was the name of the president that created "The New Deal"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
On May 20, 1927, who made the first non-stop flight from New York to Paris?
What is Charles Lindberg
Which of these was one cause of the dust bowl?
What is Farmers abused their topsoil, causing it to thin and blow away
What countries were not in the Triple Entente in 1914?
What is Italy, USA, Belgium
What were the names of the two immigrants who were executed?
What is Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the "mind" behind the New Deal, won the presidential election in 1932 against which president (who had governed between 1929 and 1933)?
What is Herbert Hoover
The 18th amendment made what substance illegal during throughout the entire decade?
What is Alcoholic beverages
Which notorious gangster opened a soup kitchen in Chicago?
What is Al Capone
What were the main reasons for the first world war?
What is Murder of Austria's heir in Sarajevo
What world war took place prior to the Red Scare?
What is World War I
The New Deal program had three main aims, which were what?
What is Relief, Recovery, and Reform
What fascist dictator facilitated the March on Rome in 1922?
What is Benito Mussolini
What other country faced a particularly severe depression about the same time as America?
What is Germany
In which year did the battle of Verdun start?
What is 1916
How long were Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti in jail for before they were executed?
What is 7 years
In 1933 Roosevelt set up the first of a series of government agencies, which were the means of his New Deal, designed to give the American people support. Since their names were often not very short, they quickly became know as ...?
What is Alphabet Agencies
n 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald writes what many consider his most famous novel, portraying the extravagance of the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream. What novel was it?
What is The Great Gatsby
Who wrote "The Grapes of Wrath", published in 1939?
What is John Steinbeck
Which country joined the war on the side of the Allied Powers in 1916?
What is Romania
What was "Mccarthyism"?
What is McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.
n 1933 the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was established as a temporary emergency measure. In 1935 it was in effect replaced by a much larger program, which lasted till into the World War II. What was this latter program called?
What is Works Progress Administration