Negative Winrate General(35% winrate)
Bonny Jonny
Long Tom
His little Majesty
Last Cocked Hat and the Mad Old Man From Massachusetts
Farmers no like hamilton and his taxes

What was the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794


They love national governments and supported the british

Who were the Federalists


Adams added more seats to the supreme court

What was the Judictary act of 1801


States can't take back land they already gave, Sets principle that Supreme court can deem state laws unconstitutional

What was Fletcher V. Peck


Era w/ only 1 party cause federalist suck

Era of Good Feelings


Guy comes from France to get support for their war but gets exiled

Who was "Citizen Genet"

Deporting dangerous ppl w/out greencards who the congress don't like

What was the Alien Act


3 democratic republican president from this one state

What was the Virginian Dynasty

States can't repeal private contracts and charters, protects corporate rights and sets up groundwork for corporate laws

What was Dartmouth V. Woodward


Tariffs of 1816 to protect American industries

Second Bank of United States

Erie Canal in 1825

What was Henry Clay's American system


Natives get kicked out of Ohio

What was the Treaty of Greenville 1795


Supports teh french and state power

Who were the democratic republicans

They were sent ot the Louisiana terrority to to collect info on the new terroritory 

Who was Lewis and Clark


Andrew Jackson defeats the british and sentienels in flordia

What was the Battle of New Orleans


The panic of 1819 was due to these 3 causes

What was the end of the napoleon wars, market readjustments, and speculation in the west


Hamilton gets the south to accept his get rich quick program with what.

What was a way that Hamilton gets his financial program accepted

Made by Madisona nd Jefferson, statesof permission to determine constutionality of federal laws under Compact Theory

What was the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


Time where both Britain and Franch attacked neutral American ships so they wont trade with each other

*Hint, short man munching bagette mad that he is short so he makes up for it with conquering europe*

What was the Napoleonic War


Reaffirms the consitituionality of the national bank, states can't tax federal agencys like the bank

What was McCulloch V. Maryland


Missouri gets slaves but next generation of those slaves are free

What was the Tallmadge Amendments


Daily Double: Explain the 2 interpretations of the  constitution, the ppl using them, and their political parties and u get double points

What was the loose interpretation by Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist party and the Strict interpretation by Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans


The presidency was so chaotic with a president and Vp from 2 different parties that congress has to make a law to stop this

What was the 12th amendment


New England fedearlists wanted to secede from the Union after the Lousisana Purchase and make Aaron Burr their leader

What was the Essex Junto of 1804

States can't enact laws that interfere with congress right to control interstate commerance, congress has the final say

What was Gibbons V. Ogden

US and England Co-occupies Oregon for 10 years

North most boundary of Lousisana is 49th parallel

What was teh Anglo-American Convention of 1818