Colonizer? I barely know her! Units 1-2
Spilling Tea
Units 3-4
No, Not the Avengers Movie Units 5-6
Unit 7
"back in my day" Units 8-9

THIS COLONY, founded in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in the new world

What is Jamestown


THIS WAR from 1754-1763 gave Great Britain unchallenged supremacy among Europeans in North America, challenged the autonomy of many American Indians, established the British as the dominant naval power in the world, and meant that the American colonies no longer faced the threat of concerted attacks from the French, the Spanish, and their American Indian allies.

What is the French and Indian War


THIS EVENT in 1848 gave America the territories of what is now California, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona.

What is the Mexican Cession


THESE were the four freedoms valued by FDR

What are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, freedom from want


THIS THEORY, by president Eisenhower states that if one country falls to communism all neighboring countries will too.

What is Domino Theory.


Rank the following best to worst based on treatment of Native Americans: Spanish, English, and French colonies.

What is French, English, Spanish.


closed down Boston Harbor, made trials in the colonies difficult, and allowed English soldiers to invade colonists' homes.

What are the Intolerable Acts


In THIS EVENT Proslavery and antislavery settlers both attempted to create their own state governments, each in different cities. In 1856, proslavery forces attacked the free-soil town, killing two and destroying homes and businesses. Two days later, John Brown, a stern abolitionist, retaliated by attacking a proslavery farm, killing five.

What is Bleeding Kansas


Uneven distribution of income, stock market speculation, buying on credit, and overproduction were some of the main causes of THIS national crisis.

What is the Black Tuesday stock market crash/Great Depression


THESE two alliances, one made up of western global powers, the other of the Soviet and Eastern powers, formed to combat each other.

What are Nato and the Warsaw Pact


Name five things exchanged in the Columbian exchange.

what are 

beans, corn, sweet and white potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, sugar cane, bluegrasses, pigs, and horses wheel, iron implements, guns, smallpox, and measles


In an effort to stabilize the western frontier, the British government issued THIS proclamation that prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation of 1763


In the 1890s, THIS PARTY sought to represent the interests of farmers and laborers, advocating increased currency issue, free coinage of gold and silver, public ownership of railroads, and a graduated federal income tax.

What is the Populist or "Peoples" party


Declared in 1904, THIS American policy stated that the United States would intervene in Latin American affairs instead of leaving it to the Europeans, whenever necessary. Known as the guns to the Monroe Doctrine.

What is the Roosevelt Corollary


Under President Jimmy Carter, THIS was a diplomatic standoff between Iran and the United States in which fifty-three American diplomats and citizens were held hostage by Iranian students in the US embassy, where they were held for 444 days.

What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis


In response to English settlers encroaching on the  American Indians’ lands, a chief of the Wampanoag, united many tribes in southern New England. The results of THIS CONFLICT was several villages burning to the ground, hundreds of people being killed, and thousands of people being injured.

What is Metacom's War, or King Phillips war.


THIS national movement was caused growing fear that industrialization and commercialization were leading to increased greed and sin, and this movement spread to the west where new denominations were formed.

What is the 2nd Great Awakening


THIS BELIEF, held by Andrew Carnegie, is that the wealthy had a moral responsibility to carry out projects of civic philanthropy to help other members of society to better themselves and in turn improve society. 

What is the Gospel of Wealth


which should take precedence, fighting economic deprivation and exploitation, or fighting the denial of civil rights was the debate that consumed THESE two African American writers. 

Who were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois


THESE TWO Americans were found guilty of treason by giving atom bomb secrets to Russia, and were sentenced to death in 1953.

Who were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg


Match the following to their colony

Sir William Berkeley

John Winthrop

Lord Baltimore

Roger Williams

What is




Rhode Island


Put the following events in order

Declaration of independence

2nd Continental Congress

First continental congress

Olive Branch Petition

Treaty of Paris

Constitutional Convention

 What is the

First Continental Congress

Olive Branch Petition

Second Continental Congress

Declaration of Independence 

Treaty of Paris

Constitutional Convention 


THESE SEVEN STATES seceded before Lincoln was even in office

What are South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.


THIS GERMAN WORD meaning lighting war, describes Hitler's strategy of using an overwhelming amount of air power and fast-moving tanks in a short time, which allowed him to take over Poland, France, Denmark, and Norway.

What is a Blitzkrieg


Written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, this letter argued for a non violent civil rights movement in a way so impactful that it moved President Kennedy to support a tougher civil rights bill.

What is the "Letter from Birmingham Jail"