Reagan II
Bush Sr/Clinton
Bush Jr (W)

This type of economics called for tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy - with them using the extra money for hiring more employees and wage increases

What is supply side economics?

The Moral Majority was founded and run by this man, who was a big supporter of Reagan.

Who was Jerry Falwell?


US and UN forces remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait in this three month war.

What was Operation Desert Storm?


This election was decided by the Supreme Court, when they announced the recount in Florida must stop, making Bush the winner and Al Gore the loser.

What was the 2000 election.


Obama has to deal with this economic catastrophe with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

What was the Great Recession?


Reagan proved he was not a friend of labor Unions when he fired over 11,000 of these types of workers who went on with the PATCO union. 

Who were air traffic controllers.

The action by Reagan signified the end of the strong labor unions, who not only influenced worker job satisfaction, but they also lost their political power.


Critics of supply side economics call it trickle down economics.  Reagan's VP called it this.

What was Voodoo economics?


To reduce the size of spending, Reagan's budget also greatly reduced amount the federal government sent to these entities.

What were the states?


George HW Bush was president when this wall came down signaling the end of the Cold War.

What was the Berlin Wall?

Bush's entire presidency is defined by this terrorist attack.

What is 9-11, 2001?


Obama creates a federally run health insurance program with this legislation.

What is the Affordable Care Act?


This man's Contract with America made Bill Clinton agree to more conservative legislation as the republicans took control of the House of Representatives for the first time in over 40 years (1952).

Who was Newt Gingrinch?


Reagan wanted to reduce government so he slashed these.

What are domestic programs?


Reagan went to Berlin and said this man needed to tear down the Berlin Wall.

Who was Mikhail Gorbachev?


Clinton uses NATO airstrikes to bring about negotiations to end the Civil War in this former nation.

What was Yugoslavia?


Who attacked America who Sept 11, 2001?

Who was al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden?


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals give these young people a chance to become US citizens.

Who were young immigrants brought to America?


NAFTA was a trade agreement of economic cooperation between these three countries.

What were Canada, the USA and Mexico?


Reagan wanted to win the Cold War so he increased the budget for this sector of the economy.

What was defense?

The US wasted billions, maybe trillions on this satellite defense programs that would use lasers to shoot down enemy missiles from space.

What was Star Wars or Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?


This treaty began the huge reduction in the number of nuclear weapons.

What was START?

Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty


For a while, this controversial law allowed the government to look into American's internet histories.

What was the Patriot Act?


Obama ends the war in this country (No WMDs were ever found).

What was Iraq?


A major component of Reaganomics, which has continued with all republican president is this, when the federal government reduces rules on businesses. 

What is deregulation? 

Which means businesses can save money . . . the flip side is at what cost to workers, consumers and the environment.


Reagan relied on votes from the religious right as he promised to nominate justices who would overturn this case.

What was Roe V Wade?

Reagan nominated justices who practiced the opposite of judicial activism.

What was judicial restraint?


Bill Clinton started this policy that "allowed" gays in the military.

What was "Don't ask, don't tell?"


America goes to war in Afghanistan to eliminate al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, but we also invade this country as American's are told Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

What was Iraq?


2009 awakening of democratic ideas in the Middle East.

What was the Arab Spring?


After 9-11, President George HW Bush described Iraq, North Korea and Iran as this.

What is the Axis of Evil.

Less than two years later America goes into Iraq looking for WMDs (which were never found).