Colonial Period
Post Revolution
Political Leaders

Passed by Britain, it restricted settlers from settling past the Appallachian mountains in order to reduce conflict with the Natives

Proclamation Line of 1763


Patriotic groups that played a central role in agitating against the Stamp Act and enforcing non-importation agreements.

Sons of Liberty


A rebellion where the farmers in Massachusetts got tired of the taxes that were putting them in debt and taking their homes. They armed themselves and shut down several courthouses and released farmers from debtors prison.

Shay's Rebellion


Washington (years and party)

1789-1797, none


Ideal of family organization and female behavior after the American Revolution that stressed the role of women in guiding family members toward republican virtue.

Republican Motherhood


This act affected everyone by targeting items that were used everyday by everyday people. The people became unified in the protesting of this, especially because it was used to only raise general revenue.

Stamp Act


The last battle of the Revolutionary war.



1790s, this party follows a strict interpretation of the constitution and favors a small government.



John Adams (years and party)

1797-1801, Federalist


5 freedoms of the 1st amendment

Press, Speech, Religion, Assembly, Petition


Were a set of laws passed by Parlement after the Boston Tea Party. In the laws, it said that the Boston port was closed, the British army could quarter troops wherever they wanted, the royal governor could transfer imprisoned British officials to England, the House of Commons was no longer elected, and only one town meeting a year was allowed.

Intolerable Acts


This battle marked a turning point in the war and convinced France that America had a chance at winning and encouraged them to ally with the colonies.



Created a policy for administering the Northwest Territories. It included a path to statehood and forbade the expansion of slavery into thes territories.

The Northwest Ordinance


George Washington's Vice President

John Adams


 Negotiated in an effort to avoid war with Britain, the treaty included a British promise to evacuate outposts outposts on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, but bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary War debts and to abide by Britain's restrictive trading policies toward France.

Jay's Treaty


Often nicknamed "the shot heard around the world", these battles marked the start of the American Revolution.

Lexington and Concord


First national constitution - little to no centralised government

Articles of Confederation


These were the 4 main parts of Alexander Hamilton's financial plan.

1. the creation of the National Bank, 2. federal assumption of state debts, 3. increased tariffs, 4. excise tax on whiskey


George Washington's Secretary of Treasury and his Secretary of State (names and political parties)

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist - Thomas Jefferson, Democratic-Republican


Printer, author, inventor, diplomat, statesman, and Founding Father. One of the few Americans who was highly respected in Europe, he helped to negotiate French support for the American Revolution.

Benjamin Franklin


Secret committee formed as a way for intercolonial communication that had total independence from Great Britain. It helped to share ideas and information during the years before the Revolution and led to the first Continental Congress.

Committees of Correspondence


Movement for goods manufactured in the home; created and worn in the colonies as part of the boycott of British goods, including silk and other fabrics.



Statements secretly drafted by Jefferson and Madison for the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia. Argued that states were the final arbiters of whether the federal government overstepped its boundaries and could therefore nullify, or refuse to accept, national legislation they deemed unconstitutional.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


Double: Contrast the beliefs and supporters of the 2 main political parties of the late 1700s.

Answers vary


"Father of the Constitution," Federalist leader, and fourth President of the United States.

James Madison