Native Americans pre-conquest
Trade & Exploration
European Colonies in the Americas
Writing Skills
Important People

This is the center of the native people's culture.

What is buffalo culture?


The transmission and interchange of plants, animals, diseases, cultures, human populations, and technologies between the New World and Old World.

What is the Columbian Exchange? 


The first English colony that disapered.

What is Roanoke


APUSH SAQ's, regardless of type, have this many parts

What is three? 

This explorer is credited with discovering the "New World."

Who is Christopher Columbus


The first "Americans" came over via this landmass

What is the Bering Strait? 


Stimulated European curiosity about the outside world, led to intellectual and economic transfers beg. in the 1100s

What are the Crusades? 


One characteristic of French colonies in the Americas 

What is the fur trade OR generally peaceful relations with the Natives? 


the 2 TYPES of SAQ's in APUSH 

What is stimuli & non-stimuli? 


This Spanish conquistadore conqured Aztecs.

Who is Hernan Cortez


Tribe in Central Mexico, Capital city of Tenochitlan, performed human sacrifice rituals.

Who are the Aztec? 


The Spanish extracted so much of this element for South America, that it bankrupted their economy. 

What is silver


This was developed after the Spanish realized that because of their weak immune systems, Native Americans did not make good slaves.

What is the African Slave Trade


Two DON'T (S) on APUSH SAQ's 

What is write a thesis, write a long paragraph, use bullet points, write in fragments, or quote directly


This French explorer sailed down this Mississippi river, claiming land on both sides. 

Who is Robert de la Salle


the three staple crops that many native tribes in North America used ... Name 2 of 3

What are Beans, Corn, and Squash? 


Involved a grant of land to a Spanish settler which came with forced labor by the Indians, eventually abolished after Indian revolts & protests by priests such as de las Casas 

What is the encomienda? 


English dissenters from this church founded several colonies in North America, such as Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, & Pennsylvania

What is the Anglican Church? 


The number of sentences per prompt. 

What is three


The Spanish clergyman sought justice for Native Americans, who he saw as far more culturally organized that the Spanish government did.   

Who is Bartolomé de las Casas 


Five (later six) Northeastern Indian tribes formed this loose alliance around 1450

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?  


At the Pope's urging, Spain and Portugal agreed to fix the boundary between their respective domains along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands.

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas 


Main weakness of New France & Louisiana

What is a small population that was spread to thin, and thus could not defend from outside attack etc.? 


This type of SAQ will have a primary source, such as a cartoon, as its prompt. 

What is a DBQ? 


This pirate sailed under the British flag, praying on Spanish treasure ships.

Who is Sir Francis Drake