More Native American stuff
Big Names
The Spanish Question
Mystery Box

The crops that make up a three sisters (staple crops).

What are Corn, beans and squash?


Italian explorer and cartographer. The new world was named after him.

Who was Amerigo Vespucci?


Generalized term for soldiers and explorers of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires.

Who were Conquistadores?


In Game of thrones: 

The name of the knights watch deserter beheaded at the start of a game of thrones.

Who is Gared?


While attempting to prove a westward sea route for East Asian trade existed, he stumbled across the Bahamas in October 1492.

Who was Christopher Columbus?


In Game of Thrones:

Number if children born to Davis Seaworth.

What is 7?


A Spanish conquistador whose expedition conquered the Aztec Empire and brought large swaths of modern-day Mexico under Spanish authority

Who was Hernán Cortés?


Led the first European expedition to Florida in 1513, an area which he named. He was hunting for the Fountain of Youth.

Who was Juan Ponce de León?


The collective name for two joint stock companies that had identical charters,  but different territorial claims.

What was the Virginia Company?


This new ship was able to sail upwind at a better angle. Blew up exploration.

What is a Caravel?


This is the forced labor system imposed by the Spanish on the Native Americans.

What is Encomienda?


French explorer, who Cultivated a fur trade with American Indians.

Who was Jacques Cartier?


In 1513, he led the first overland expedition by the Europeans to reach the Pacific.

Who was Vasco Nuñez de Balboa?


Nicknamed “the Lost Colony.” First attempted English colony in the New World.

What was Roanoke, North Carolina?


This exchange resulted in tremendous social, cultural, and political change for both the Europeans and the American Indians. ( Mostly bad for the native Americans)

what is the Colombian Exchange?


Southwestern group with Extensive irrigation systems and houses that are multi-storied and  made of adobe.

Who were the Pueblo Indians?


He worked tirelessly to prevent the enslavement of all native people in South America.

Who was Bartolome de Las Casas?


Signed between the  Spain and Portugal in 1494, it decided how Christopher Columbus’s discoveries of the New World would be divided.

What is the Treaty of Tordesailles?


The survival of the Jamestown colony can be most directly attributed to this.

What is Tobacco?


Large Mississippian settlement near present day Ohio. Home to as many as 30,000 people.

What was the Cahokia?


In Game of Thrones:

Their galleys patrol the bay if seals.

Who are the knights watch?


He was Granted permission by Queen Elizabeth I to explore and colonize the New World in exchange for one-fifth of all the gold and silver this venture obtained.

Who was  Sir Walter Raleigh?


Spain asserted its divine right to conquer the New World, stating that its main concern was to rescue the natives from hedonism.

what is the Spanish Requirement of 1513?


In Game of Thrones:

Gendry refers to the red comet as this.

What is the red sword?


This explorer sent by the French, went on an expedition through the Great lakes and down the Mississippi in the 1680s.

Who was Robert de la Salle?