Early Colonization
Period 1
English Colonies
Philosophies & Self-Gov.

This nation's colonies were based on agriculture; large number of men and women inhabited the colonies; relatively hostile relations with Native Americans.

Characteristics of English colonization


Spread of goods, ideas, people, and diseases between Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

Columbian Exchange


This area was founded by mostly Puritans, a group of like-minded individuals. These colonies tended to be close-knit and had longer life expectancy than other English colonies. The economy was a mix of farming and trade.

Characteristics of New England colonies


Time period that focused on reason and knowledge and promoted new ideas about government (natural rights, consent of the governed, separation of powers). These ideas helped influence the American Revolution. This promoted the idea of self-governance though colonial assemblies and town meetings.

The Enlightenment


This was the first battles of the American Revolution

What is Lexington and Concord


Sought tight control over the colonies and focused on

converting and exploiting the Natives. (Think 3 Gs)

Characteristics of Spanish Colonization


Spanish system of granting land to colonists in the New World. This system exploited Native Americans and resources.

Encomienda System


These colonies were the most diverse religiously and saw the most immigrants from Europe. The economy was based on grain. Quakers.

Middle Colonies


Men like Jonathan Edwards(Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God) and George Whitfield are major figures in this movement of beliefs and ideas tied to religious liberty & challenging Church orthodoxy as well as a spiritual revival that saw a change in evangelical rhetoric and the growth of the Church in the Americas.

The First Great Awakening


General of the Continental army at Yorktown

Who was George Washington 


Fewer inhabitants than other countries; focused on trade, alliances, and intermarriage with Native Americans. Heavy focus on furs (beaver)

Characteristics of French & Dutch Colonization


__________were men and women who signed a contract by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter.

Indentured Servants


The Chesapeake area (Maryland and Virginia) relied on indentured servants initially, later replaced by African slaves. Staple crops like tobacco, rice, and sugar made the colonies prosperous. Discrepancies between the backcountry poor and coastal elite

Southern Colonies


What was the first self-governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by the male passengers of the Mayflower, consisting of separatist Puritans, adventurers, and tradesmen. 

Mayflower Compact


Believed that people are born sinners

Thomas Hobbes


A grant of land, usually 50 acres per immigrant sponsored (voyage paid for by another), given to the one who pays for the individuals trip to the New World

What was the Headright system?


Began the Protestant Reformation by nailing his 95 Thesis on the door of the Catholic Church

Who was Martin Luther?


Daily Double!

Historical Freeze Frame: Your group has one minute to plan and recreate a famous scene from Colonial American History. (Think of important events, people, etc.) The best group wins!



Urged for the freedom of religion, freedom of expression and separation of church and state

Who was Voltaire


A surprise attack by the Powhatan Indians

What was the Jamestown Massacre


She was a religious liberal who became on the founder of Rhode Island after her banishment from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Who was Anne Hutchinson?


Economic policy that focuses on making money for the mother country. This policy favors a positive balance of trade for the mother country and the accumulation of gold and silver.



The rebellion highlighted the strife between backcountry frontiersmen facing Native American attacks and the rich plantation owners living near coastal settlements

BACON'S Rebellion


Known for emphasizing Deduction and Skepticism over blind faith

Who was Rene Descartes


Uprising of slaves against the plantation owners

What was the Stono Rebellion