Terms & People
This was the area where a land bridge connected Russia and North America 10,000 years ago
What is Bering Strait
This town was founded in 1607 and became the first permanent English colony
What is Jamestown
Title given to the governmental representative of the King in the colonies
What is Governor
This complex economic system dictated that a country should export more than it imports and build up its gold/silver reserves
What is Mercantilism
This crop was most likely to be grown in the West Indies
What is sugar
This country's goal was not to colonize North America but rather to establish outposts in order to trade fur and convert the Native Americans to Catholicism
What is France
This rebellion of indentured servants led to the transformation of Virginia's labor system
What is Bacon's Rebellion
The name given to the interaction between North, Central, South America and the West Indies, Africa and Europe
What is Columbian Exchange
This group settled Plymouth colony, hoping for religious freedom
Who are the Pilgrims or Seperatists
This was the name of the labor system the Spanish used to subjugate Native Americans
What is Encomienda
This country settled primarily in modern day Brazil and many other parts of South America, establishing one of the greatest slave societies in the world
What is Portugal
English law passed in the 1650's that required certain English colonial goods be shipped through English ports on English ships manned primarily by English sailors
What are the Navigation Acts

Whose line is it anyway "We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us"

Who is John Winthrop

This group settled Massachusetts Bay Colony and placed it under harsh religious rule until the end of the 17th century
Who are the Puritans
This Native American fought against settlers in New England in the 1670's after most Native Americans had either been killed off by disease or displaced
Who is King Philip or Metacom

A rebirth of religious fervor in the American Colonies in the first half of the 18th century

What is The First Great Awakening (or simply Great Awakening)

This group of Native Americans established a constitution that united differing tribes in upstate New York
Who are the Iroquois

Whose line is it anyway "Sinners in the hands of an angry God"

George Whitefield

This system attempted to get more people to the colonies by offering landowners 50 acres of land to anyone who paid the passage of a new arrival
What is the headright system

This group of people, also known as the Society of Friends, believed God spoke directly to each individual through an "inner light" and that all people (Native Americans, Africans etc.) were holy

Who are the Quakers

This labor intensive, yet profitable crop was grown in South Carolina and other areas of the south in the early and mid-18th century - leading to an explosion in the slave population of the colonies
What is rice
A colony chartered by the crown and governed by officials appointed to serve the monarchy and represent its interests
What is royal colony
This term is used to describe the brutal sea voyage from Africa to the Americans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that took the lives of nearly a million enslaved Africans
What is the Middle Passage

Edmund Andros briefly served as governor of what colony?

What is the Dominion of New England

This term could be used to describe British colonial policy of relaxed enforcement of colonial regulations during the reigns of George I
What is Salutary Neglect