Colonies established in the New World
Developed and expanded
Transatlantic trade
Native Americans
Politics in the Colonies

English Protestants who believed that there was a need to reform the Church of England.



What was the climate difference in Geography of the New England and Southern Colonies?

New England: Cold winters, rocky, natural harbors 

Southern: Mild climate, fertile lowlands, humid


What were the major exports of the New England colonies?

Tobacco and rum


What caused the Native American population to collapse?

European diseases (smallpox etc.)


The Enlightenment brought along the idea of ___, where people have inborn rights given by a creator not by a gov’t

natural rights


 ___ are English Calvinists who believed there was a need to separate from the Church of England

Separationists, Pilgrims


What economic structure did the middle colonies rely on and what were they known for?

The middle colonies relied on farming and trade. They were known for being the “breadbasket” region.


What colony was established by the Dutch in 1625?

New Amsterdam (later named New York)


An armed conflict in 1675–1676 between a group of indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands and the English New England Colonies and their indigenous allies

King Philip's War (Metacom’s War)


What concept of government, popularized during the Enlightenment, asserts that political authority is derived from the consent of the governed?

social contract theory


A female spiritual leader who challenged the puritan authority and was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Anne Hutchinson


Under Spain's _________________ ______________, colonists were granted authority over a specified number of natives to protect them and convert them to Catholicism in exchange for them harvesting crops.

 Encomienda system


Which British colony was established as a sanctuary for Catholics?



Native Americans who interacted with the English became increasingly dependent on the ___ trade.

fur-and-hide trade


What key political event in colonial America symbolized the principle of self-governance and laid the groundwork for democratic ideals in the colonies?

The establishment of the House of Burgesses in Virginia in 1619


Group of Christian ministers who lamented the religious loss brought by The Enlightenment.

New Light, New Light Clergy


Any property-holding white male who could be voted in this government system created by Virginia in 1619 is named

The House of Burgesses


Discuss the underlying causes of Bacon's Rebellion in colonial Virginia, including the social, economic, and political factors that led to the uprising.

Bacon's Rebellion was a significant event in Virginia sparked by tensions between settlers and Native Americans, economic disparities, and grievances against Governor William Berkeley's administration. The rebellion highlighted issues such as land speculation, frontier defense, and the role of indentured servants in colonial society.


Native fur in the North would be exchanged for ___ (name two).

guns, metal tools, glass beads, textiles, etc.


Who wrote the influential book "Common Sense," which urged American independence from British domination and inspired enthusiasm for the Revolutionary War?

Thomas Paine


Important figures such as _____ and _____ played a big role in pushing the religious revival throughout the colonies during the Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Samuel Davies, Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan Dickinson


Explain the difference between Charter, Royal, and Proprietary Colonies

Charter: Operated by Joint-Stock (Jamestown)

Royal: Under the direct authority and rule of the king Government ( MA, NH, NY, NJ, VA, NC, SC, GA) 

Proprietary: Under the authority of individuals granted charters of ownership by the king (PA, MD, DE)


Evaluate the impact of Salutary Neglect on the relationship between the British colonies and Britain

Salutary Neglect refers to the British policy of trade regulations in the American colonies. While it allowed for greater autonomy and economic growth in the colonies, it also led to increased smuggling, tensions with Britain, and eventual conflicts over colonial governance and taxation.


The ___ allied with the British in the ___ wars in the Ohio Valley

 Iroquois Confederacy (Five Nations); Beaver (Iroquois)


What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact in early American political history?

 The Mayflower Compact was a foundational document that established the principle of self-government and the rule of law among the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.