Native American Interactions
Democratic Landmarks
Colonies and Their Regions

Native American who helped the Pilgrims navigate the land of the New World and acted as an interpreter

Who is Squanto?


This was the first representative assembly in North America, created in Virginia (1619).

What is the House of Burgesses?


Crop that saved the Jamestown colony from economic failure

What is tobacco?


In order to vote in Puritan New England a male had to experience this

What is a personal conversion experience?


50 acres of land to any colonist who paid for his own or another’s passage

What is the headright system?


French and Dutch colonial relationships with American Indians were based primarily on trade alliance for this good

What are furs?


Most forms of democracy were held in this format in early New England colonies

What are Town Hall Meetings?


This rebellion in Virginia resulted in the increase in black slavery and decrease in indentured servitude.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This church was the dominant church in the Southern colonies (and New York).

What is the Anglican Church/Church of England?


The main staple crop of South Carolina

What is rice? 


Native American chief allied with other tribes in the Virginia area and collected tribute

Who is Powhatan?


Belief that some of the power is given to the government but with the idea that they need to respect the people’s natural rights and the people had the right to change the government if they did not follow this

What is social contract? 


He claimed that the Puritans should, “build a city upon a hill,” and became governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.

Who is John Winthrop?


Preachers  who moved away from the traditional colonial church

What is the New Light Clergy? 


During the era before the French and Indian War, this resulted in the colonies being left alone to develop their own economic and political institutions.

What is salutary neglect? 


This conflict resulted in the lasting defeat of New England's Indians and the beheading of Wampanoag Chief Metacom

What is King Philip's War?


Although technically not a constitution, this was a landmark written agreement among Pilgrims and non-Pilgrims for majority rule.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


The primary staple crops produced in the middle colonies included

Wha are wheat, oats, and barley?

Wrote the famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Who is Jonathan Edwards?


Process of gaining wealth for the mother country through buying resources from colonies for cheap and selling finished goods for higher prices

What is mercantilism?


Allied with the English to defeat the Wampanoag Indians in King Phillip's War

Who are the Mohawk Indians? 


This 17th century document was the first written constitution in American colonial history.

What are the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?


This was the first major slave rebellion in the South that resulted in further restrictions on slaves

What is the Stono Rebellion? 


In 1649, this became the first law granting a degree of religious toleration in the colonies. Revoked the next year when Protestants took over this colony's government. 

What is the Maryland Act of Toleration?


Reasons why African slaves were preferred to indentured servants

What are 1. Not English subjects 2. Easier to catch if escaped 3. View of Africans