Britain vs. the Colonists
the American Revolutionary War
Important Documents
the constitution
Washington and Adams Presidencies

The British Empire passed this to limit colonial westward migration and to reduce conflict with Native Americans after the French and Indian War.

What is the Proclamation of 1763


Washington and the Continental Army had to survive the winter of 1777-1778 at this location

Valley Forge

The US government under the articles of confederation was unable to efficiently handle this farmer rebellion

Shay's rebellion (1786-1787)


Where was the Constitutional Convention held?

Philadelphia, PA (May-September 1787)


Which political party believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution?



What anti-British and secret colonial group was formed to organize action against the British and to terrorize British tax collectors?

sons of liberty

The most important battle of the American Revolution which resulted in France joining the war on the side of the Patriots.
What is the Battle of Saratoga

Who wrote Common Sense and what was the goal of Common Sense?

Thomas Paine, convince Americans to support independence from Britain


The anti-federalists would not agree to ratify the constitution without

a bill of rights


The United States handled this farmer uprising in Pennsylvania convincingly, illustrating the stability of the new government under the Constitution

whiskey rebellion (1794)


What did the British Parliament do in response to the Boston Tea Party in 1774?

The Intolerable Acts


The final battle of the American Revolution.

What is the Battle of Yorktown


What enlightenment philosopher influenced Thomas Jefferson to include the idea of "inalienable rights" in the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke


Rather than creating a direct popular vote for selecting a president, the Constitution created this system

Electoral College


These laws passed during John Adams' presidency targeted immigrants and people who spoke out against the government

alien and sedition acts


What was the name for Britain's unofficial policy of allowing the colonies to govern over themselves and ignore royal restrictions?

salutary neglect


what colonial general tried to betray the colonists by offering to turn over the West Point to the British?

Benedict Arnold


Who were the three people who wrote the Federalist Papers?

Hamilton, Madison, Jay


Which plan for the legislative branch advocated for equal representation in a unicameral Congress?

new jersey plan


name one of the two treaties which collectively helped stabilize our relationships with european powers in the 1790s

pinckney's treaty (spain)

jay's treaty (great britain)


Who is said to be the first person killed in the American Revolution?

Crispus Attucks


Thid document was sent to king george from the americans as an attempt to stop hostilities between the colonists and the british, but the king rejected it

the olive branch petition (july 1775)


The government under the Articles of Confederation was mostly ineffective, but one good thing they did was ______________

northwest ordinance of 1787

land ordinance of 1785


Which compromise helped the South gain higher congressional representation in the House of Representatives because of slavery?

3/5 Compromise


What are two things George Washington warned americans about in his farewell address?

foreign alliances and political parties/factions