The Jeffersonian Era
The Market Revolution
Democracy and Politics
The Age of Jackson

Doubled the size of America and ended the French threat in the region

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This invention significantly increased the need for slave labor in the South

What is the cotton gin?


This group of people gained the right to vote in the early 1800s

What is all white males?


Forced the resettlement of many thousands of Native Americans

What is the Indian Removal Act? 


This piece of legislation sought to maintain the balance of power between free and slave states by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, while drawing a line across the Louisiana Territory, prohibiting slavery north of it.

What was the Missouri Compromise?


This law prohibited American ships from trading in foreign ports

What is the Embargo Act?


This infrastructure project made transportation easier and more efficient, which helped boost trade

What is the Erie Canal?


This ended the War of 1812, but failed to address the issue of impressment

What is the Treaty of Ghent?


This term describes the practice of giving government jobs to political supporters as a reward for their loyalty.

What is the spoils system? 


In the 1830s, this devastating event forcibly removed approximately 15,000 Cherokees from Georgia to Indian Territory, with a tragic toll of around 4,000 deaths due to exposure, disease, and starvation.

What was the Trail of Tears?


This Supreme Court case established the principle of judicial review.

What is Marbury v. Madison?


This Supreme Court case upheld the constitutionality of the Second Bank of the United States

What is McCulloch v. Maryland?


Name the period when there was single-party rule, and one of the events that brought it to an end

What is the Era of Good Feelings? What is the Panic of 1819 and the Missouri Compromise?


This term refers to state banks selected by President Andrew Jackson to receive deposits of federal funds after he dismantled the Second Bank of the United States.

What are pet banks? 


This 19th-century religious revival, characterized by emotional worship, fervent preaching, and widespread conversions, played a significant role in shaping American society by promoting social reform movements like abolitionism and women's rights.

What was the Second Great Awakening?


Name three causes of the War of 1812

What are trade restrictions, impressment, British support of Native American tribes, American interest in annexing British North America?


Name the three parts of the American System and who proposed it

What is a new national bank, federal subsidies for internal improvements, and a protective tarriff? Who was Henry Clay?


"We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety." This message would later become known as...

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


In the Age of Jackson, this party favored a hands-off approach to government, limited government intervention, and prioritized states' rights, while its rival supported the American System, a strong central government, and social reforms like temperance and education.

What are the Democrats and the Whigs?


This 1848 event, spearheaded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, marked the beginning of the organized women's rights movement in the United States, issuing a Declaration of Sentiments that demanded equality for women, including the right to vote.

What was the Seneca Falls Convention?


This quote from a prominent figure of the Jeffersonian Era reflects the political philosophy that dominated the early 19th century American politics: "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." Identify the speaker, the occasion of this quote, and explain its significance in the context of the political climate of the time.

Who is Thomas Jefferson? What is his First Inaugural Address? The quote signifies Jefferson's attempt to unify the country after a contentious election, highlighting his belief in bridging the political divide between Republicans and Federalists.


"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation." Identify who made this critique of the Market Revolution and the work from which the quote was taken.

Who is Henry David Thoreau? What is Walden?


“No sooner do you set foot on American soil, than you find yourself in a sort of tumult. All around you, everything is on the move.” Identify who wrote extensively about America and its way of life in the first half of the 1800s and the work from which the quote was taken.

Who is Alexis de Tocqueville? What is Democracy in America?


This economic downturn, marked by widespread bank failures, collapsing land prices, and skyrocketing unemployment, was triggered by factors including the Specie Circular, rampant speculation, and the failure of British banks.

What was the Panic of 1837?


This 19th-century philosophical movement, led by thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, emphasized the importance of intuition, individualism, and a connection with nature. 

Who were the Transcendentalists?