State v. Federal Power
Federalists to Dem-Republicans
Regional Differences
Reform Era
Early Industrialization
This method of interpreting the Constitution required that the government could only do what was specifically written in the Constitution.
What is Strict Construction?
This acquisition of a large piece of land by President Jefferson went against his usual strict interpretation of the Constitution.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
This region of the US was the most industrialized.
What is the North or Northeast?
This religious movement encouraged people to improve their lives and led to the start of various reform movements.
What is the Second Great Awakening?
This inventor from Augusta County, Virginia, developed the reaper. Along with the steel plow, his invention transformed agriculture in the midwest.
Who is Cyrus McCormick?
This method of interpreting the Constitution allowed for the government to expand its powers based on the Elastic Clause.
What is Broad (or Loose) Construction?
Based on the idea of Strict Interpretation of the Constitution, the Democratic-Republicans favored giving most power to the --
What is States?
This region of the country was considered the bread basket of the US and provided a majority of the food for the country.
What is the West or Midwest
This actually began during the American Revolution with the idea of Republican Motherhood. It became more powerful during the reform era of the 1830s-40s and was symbolized by the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848.
What is the Women's Rights Movement?
The first major industry of the US, it developed in part because of the Embargo Act in the early 1800's.
What is the Textile Industry?
The part of the Federal government that had the power to interpret the laws of both the States and whole country and determine if they were Constitutional.
What is the Supreme Court?
This event marked the peaceful transfer of power from the Federalists to the Democrat-Republicans.
What is the Revolution of 1800 or the Election of Thomas Jefferson?
This cash crop, and the dependence upon slave labor to produce it, defined the South.
What is "King Cotton"?
This reform movement encouraged people to limit their use of alcohol because of the effects it had on the family and home.
What is Temperance Movement?
This invention helped to connect the North and South. It allowed the South to meet the demand for raw materials needed in Northern textile factories.
What is the Cotton Gin?
This supreme court case determined a law passed by Congress was unconstitutional. More importantly, it gave the Supreme Court the power of Judicial Review.
What is Marbury v. Madison?
This law outlawed trade with all foreign countries. It was an example of Jefferson and the Democrat-Republicans abandoning strict interpretation of the Constitution in favor of broad (or loose) interpretation.
What is the Embargo Act?
Addressing the issue of slavery, this 1820 agreement admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
This person fought to improve conditions for the mentally ill who were living in asylums.
Who is Dorothea Dix?
This invention increased the speed of communication and helped to improve business production.
What is the Telegraph?
This Supreme Court case increased the power of the federal government and ruled that a National Bank was constitutional.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland?
Jefferson and the Democrat-Republicans avoided these wars in Europe between 1802-12. Thus, they were able to adhere to Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality during this period.
What are the Napoleonic Wars?
The North favored this economic policy because it made foreign products more expensive and encouraged people to buy American products. The South was opposed.
What are Tariffs?
One of the first abolitionists, this man used fierce arguments to demand the immediate end to slavery in his weekly publication, The Liberator.
Who is William Lloyd Garrison?
This transportation route connected New York to the Midwest and helped increase industrialization and migration.
What is the Erie Canal?