Farmers and Labor
Messages of the Gilded Age
Native Americans

Economic philosophy promoted by Adam Smith in his book, Wealth of Nations, that stated that business and the economy would run best with no interference from the government



This notorious political figure was known as a key. figure of party politics for the Democratic Party in the Gilded Age era.

Who was Boss Tweed?


party formed in 1892 whose platform focus was on coinage of silver and gold in addition to other progressive ideas (hugely supported by farmers)

Populism or Populist Party


A retrospective essay that claimed that those industrialists who were fortunate to amass great riches had a moral and civic responsibility to use their riches to benefit society for the greater good.  Name the essay and the author.

What was the "Gospel of Wealth"?


The systematic program by the US government to force Native Americans to adopt European American ideas about culture, private ownership land and school.



a multi-dwelling building, often poor or overcrowded



"Oil Baron", Standard Oil.

John D. Rockefeller


(1890) a law that tried to regulate trusts. It favored businesses rather than workers and was originally used to break up labor unions.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act


(1862) law that provided free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it. Encouraged westward migration.

Homestead Act


His message of the "New South" expressed hope for embracing modern industry but was seen to fall short as tenant farming/sharecropping became a dominant feature of post-war agricultural efforts

Who was Henry Grady?


1876: AKA General Custer's Last Stand (Custer and more than 250 of his men were killed by Native Americans) 

Battle of Little Bighorn


policy that favors native-born or long-term resident individuals in the United States at the expense of immigrants



technique used by Carnegie where he combined into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing.

Vertical Integration


Unofficial political organization that works to win elections in order to exercise power to meet the needs of growing urban populations

Political Machine


This union, "the big one" encouraged workers' coops that included skilled and unskilled labor and was inclusive to members of color

Who were the "Knights of Labor"?


W.E.B. proposed that great effort should be given to elevating the opportunities of the most promising African-Americans to become leaders in the community based on this concept.

What is the "Talented Tenth"?


where Native American children were forced to go to learn English, cut their hair, learn farming skills, and physically punished for practicing cultural customs. 

Indian Boarding Schools


Describe common push factors of immigration at the turn of the 19th 2

religious persecution, famine, overcrowding


a railroad that would cross the continent and connect the East to the West in 1869

transcontinental railroad


Political machine of New York City that was well-known for its corruption, led by William "Boss" Tweed

Tammany Hall


Violent labor conflict in Carnegie's mills;
Henry Frick (manager) announced pay cut
Strike had to be put down by state militia in 1892

What was the Homestead Strike?


In this speech, Booker T. Washington stated that Blacks should accept segregation in the short term as they focused on economic gain to achieve future political equality.

What was the "Atlanta Compromise"


A ritual dance performed by some members of the Sioux tribe in an effort to bring back the buffalo and remove white settlers from their lands which led to cultural fears and ultimately, the Massacre at Wounded Knee

What is the Ghost Dance?


A population shift from rural areas to cities and the ways in which each society adapts to the change



Strategy to maximize profits by attempting to purchase competing companies in the same industry; monopoly-building (ex. Rockefeller's Standard Oil)

horizontal integration


As a newspaper illustrator, he used his artistic skills to draw attention to government corruption and earned the title of "father of the American political cartoon"

Who was Thomas Nast?


(1894) strike in Chicago led by Eugene Debs for railroad workers that spread nationwide. President Grover Cleveland called in federal troops to put down the strike.

What was the Pullman Strike


An account from Mrs. H.H. Jackson regarding the history of abuses experienced by Native tribes at the hands of settlers moving westward.

What was the "Century of Dishonor"


1887: Designed to break up reservations into individual plots of land for Indians (mirrored the Homestead Act)

Dawes Act


The first major legal restriction on immigration to the U.S. in 1882 that prohibited further unskilled immigration from a specific country in order to reduce competition for jobs.

Chinese Exclusion Act