technique used by Carnegie where he combined into one organization all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing.
Vertical Integration
Name for any gilded age investigative journalist
party formed in 1892 whose platform focus was on coinage of silver and gold in addition to other progressive ideas (hugely supported by farmers)
Populism or Populist Party
This new labor pool during the guilded age was great for their small hands and low wages!
A population shift from rural areas to cities and the ways in which each society adapts to the change
The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle
Rich are rich and poor are poor due to natural selection in society
Social Darwinism
"Oil Baron", Standard Oil, used horizontal integration
John D. Rockefeller
(1890) a law that tried to regulate trusts. It favored businesses rather than workers and was originally used to break up labor unions.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
(1862) law that provided free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it. Encouraged westward migration.
Homestead Act
(1894) strike in Chicago led by Eugene Debs for railroad workers that spread nationwide. President Grover Cleveland called in federal troops to put down the strike.
Pullman Strike
policy that favors native-born or long-term resident individuals in the United States at the expense of immigrants
This leader advocated for african americans to quickly integrate into American society through equal rights and education
W.E.B. Du Bois
a railroad that would cross the continent and connect the East to the West in 1869
transcontinental railroad
Unofficial political organization that works to win elections in order to exercise power;
Rose to power in the late 1800s because of ill-equipped local governments that failed to meet the needs of growing urban populations
Political Machine
Farmers wanted the dollar to be backed by this...
This New York factory fire influenced new legislation on health and safety codes
Triangle shirtwaste factory
a multi-dwelling building, often poor or overcrowded
Also known as the General Allotment Act, the law authorized the President to break up reservation land
Dawes Act
Economic philosophy that stated that business and the economy would run best with no interference from the government
Laissez- Faire
Double Jeopardy
This cartoonist drew extensively during the reconstruction and Gilded Age. He is credited with bringing down Boss Tweed – whom he regularly lampooned.
Thomas Nast
Agrarian Americans wanted the government to take control of this, due to high rates
The Railroads
creator of the American Federation of Labor and labor union leader
Samuel Gompers
2 of the 3 religions for many of the "new" immigrants to the U.S. between 1880 and 1920
Catholic, Jewish, Eastern Orthodox
Famous publication by Jacob Riis showing terrible living conditions of the poor
How the Other Half Lives
A way of of making steel from pig iron by burning out carbon and other impurities by means of a blast of air forced through the molten metal
Bessemer Process
Political machine of New York City that was well-known for its corruption, led by William "Boss" Tweed
Tammany Hall
Double Jeopardy
This battle, which occurred on December 29, 1890, in South Dakota, was the last major conflict between the U.S. Army and Native American tribes and resulted in the deaths of over 150 Lakota Sioux, mostly women and children.
Battle of Wounded Knee
American union leader, one of the founding members of the International Labor Union and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW); went on to run for president
Eugene Debs
The first major legal restriction on immigration to the U.S. in 1882; prohibited further unskilled immigration from THIS country in order to reduce competition for jobs.
China (Chinese Exclusion Act)
Muckraker responsible for exposing business practices of Standard Oil
Ida Tarbell