Gilded Age
Great Depression & New Deal
Period 7
World Wars

This term refers to the attempt at industrializing and modernizing the economy of the South after Reconstruction.

The "New South"


This economic philosophy, championed by industrialists like Andrew Carnegie, justified vast wealth disparities by claiming that only the "fittest" individuals or businesses would succeed.

Social Darwinsim


This policy, proposed by Secretary of State John Hay, aimed to ensure equal trade opportunities for all nations in China.

Open Door Policy


This economic practice, in which investors borrowed money to purchase stocks, led to inflated stock prices and contributed to the market crash of 1929.

Buying on Margin


These 1935-1937 laws aimed to prevent U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts by banning arms sales to warring nations.

Neutrality Acts (1935-1937)


This law outlawed monopolies and allowed the government to break up companies that restricted free trade; though not very successful.

BONUS: What is the name of the act to succeed it and be much more successful? (+200)

Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

BONUS: Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) (+200)


This movement aimed to apply Christian ethics to social problems, especially issues of social justice, such as economic inequality, poverty, crime, child labor, etc.

Social Gospel


President Wilson's promise of a new foreign policy in Latin America that would respect its independence free from foreign economic domination.

Moral Diplomacy


This act was signed by President Hoover in 1930 making the economic situation of the Great Depression worse by raising already high taxes on imported goods to a total of nearly 60%.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act


This project developed the atomic bomb, which was later dropped on two Japanese cities, leading to end of World War II.

BONUS 1: Name the two cities targeted by the atomic bombs (+200)

BONUS 2: Name the two bombs dropped (+200)

Manhattan Project

BONUS 1: Hiroshima & Nagasaki (+200) 

BONUS 2: Little Boy & Fat Man (+200)



1) This violent 1892 labor dispute at a Carnegie Steel plant in Pennsylvania resulted in a battle between striking workers and Pinkerton agents.

2) Occurring during an economic depression, this massive 1894 railroad strike disrupted national transportation and ended with federal intervention under President Cleveland.

1) Homestead Strike

2) Pullman Strike


This political platform of the People's Party consisted of direct election of senators, a graduated income tax, an Australian (secret) ballot, and the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16:1 with gold.

Omaha Platform


This sensationalist writing was used to arouse the emotions of the American people in order to sell newspapers, but indirectly leading to war.

Yellow Journalism


This New Deal reform barred commercial banks from becoming involved in the buying and selling of stocks, preventing the practices leading to the stock market crash (separating commercial and investment banking).

Glass-Steagall Act


1) This 1917 law made it illegal to interfere with military recruitment or aid the enemy during World War I.

2) This 1918 law expanded restrictions on speech by making it illegal to criticize the US government, flag, or military during wartime.

1) Espionage Act

2) Sedition Act


These two business strategies, one involving the control of the supply chain and the other the expansion across different levels of production, were popularized by industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.

Vertical & Horizontal Integration


Disgruntled with his successor, Teddy Roosevelt ran for this progressive reform party during the race for the presidency in 1912.

Bull Moose Party



The proclamation that the United States has the power to act as an international police power in the Western Hemisphere expanding on the Monroe Doctrine.

Roosevelt Corollary


The New Deal expanded the role of this government branch by creating agencies that regulated banking, stock markets, and labor relations.

Executive Branch


This international body was created after World War II to promote peace and prevent future conflicts.

BONUS: Name the five members of the Security Council (+400).

United Nations (UN)

BONUS: China, France, Russia, Britain, United States (+400)


The laws known for enforcing segregation in the South after the Civil War.

BONUS 1) This form of segregation involves laws and regulations that require people to separate (+200)

BONUS 2) This form of segregation involves separation that happens naturally or by preference (+200)

Jim Crow Laws

1) De jure segregation

2) De facto segregation



Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal of reform consisted of the 3 C's. What are they?

Conservation -- of natural resources

Corporations -- laws and reform

Consumer Protection -- protect the average American


These were a series of Supreme Court decisions that determined the constitutional status of territories acquired by the U.S. after this 1898 conflict.

Ex: Downes v. Bidwell (1901) ruled that full constitutional rights did not automatically extend to US territories, justifying colonial governance without full citizenship.

Insular Cases


Identify the four key causes of the Great Depression.

1) Overproduction & Underconsumption

2) Stock Speculation (The Crash)

3) Bank Failures (Bank Run)

4) Decline of International Trade



The Four Freedoms by President Roosevelt symbolized the US' goals in entering World War II. What are the Four Freedoms?

1) Freedom of Speech & Expression

2) Freedom of worship

3) Freedom from Want

4) Freedom from Fear