American Imperialism
Spanish-American War
Progressive Era
World War I
The 1920s
The Great Depression
The New Deal
World War II

Antiimperialists thought America should adhere to this, an idea present in George Washington's Farewell Address.

What is isolationism?


Sensationalistic reporting that featured bold and lurid headlines of crime, disaster, and scandal. Papers printed exaggerated and false accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba.

What is Yellow Journalism? 

Upton Sinclair was the muckraker who wrote this book which exposed the meatpacking industry and the troubles associated with it.  

The Jungle


German policy that mandated the sinking of any ship, military or otherwise, that entered into the warzome.

What is unrestricted submarine warfare?

The trial of a high school teacher in Tennessee for teaching the theory of evolution in violation of state law.  The teacher was found guilty and the trial was closely followed by the public.    
The Scopes "Monkey" Trial

This day is considered the beginning of the Great Depression, when the Stock Market crashed.

What is Black Tuesday?


The informal radio talks President FDR had with Americans during the Great Depression.

What are fireside chats?

Japan bombed this US naval and air force base.  The US responded by declaring war on Japan and officially entering WWI on the side of the Allies.
Pearl Harbor

Anti-imperialists believed in this, the idea that every people has a right to govern themselves.

What is self-determination?


A United States ship that sunk in Havana, Cuba. Initially blamed on Spain, it was later ruled an accident.

What is the USS Maine?


This group of Americans were considered the primary drivers of Progressive policy.

What are middle-class women?


Wilson's plan for a post war world, including Freedom of the Seas, the Right to Self-Determination, and the League of Nations.

What are Wilson's 14 Points?


This innovation allowed workers to stand in one spot and do repetitive tasks over and over, increasing productivity.

What is the assembly line?


This practice saw people taking out loans to buy stocks, artificially inflating the stock market.

What is buying on the margin?


The New Deal was meant to do these three things, commonly referred to as the "3 Rs."

What is relief for the unemployed, recovery for businesses, and reform of economic institutions?

Symbol of the American female factory worker who went to work during WWII.  
Rosie the Riveter

Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that a strong navy was crucial to becoming a world power in this book.

What is "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"


The United States acquired these territories from Spain in the aftermath of the Spanish American War.

What are Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Phillipines


These democratic reforms were pushed by Progressive reformers to put political power back in the hands of the people.

What are the Secret Ballot, Initiative, Referendum, and Recall?

The discovery of this disclosed Germany's promise to help Mexico attack the US if the US declared war on Germany.
Zimmerman Telegram
This was triggered by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.  Americans were very paranoid and scared that Communism would overtake America.  
The Red Scare
Hoover created this in an attempt to protect US factories from foreign competition.  This backfired though, because European nations stopped buying US goods.  
Hawley-Smoot Tariff

This New Deal Program gave pensions to seniors, and gave everyone a federal number.

What is the Social Security Act?

The name given to the creation of the atomic bombs that were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
The Manhattan Project

Josiah Strong argued that Anglo-Saxons were a superior race and were destined to spread their "superiority" to ""inferior" nations in this book.

What is "Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis"


To demonstrate American naval power, Theodore Roosevelt sent this on an around-the-world cruise 

What is the Great White Fleet.


Collectively referred to as the "Progressive Amendments," the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th amendment did these things respectively.

What are the federal income tax, made senators directly elected by the people, introduced Prohibition, and granted women the right to vote.


The movement of approximately 6 million African Americans from the rural South to the urban Northeast, Midwest and West in the late 19th to mid 20th Centuries.  

The Great Migration


These women drove, smoked in public, drank, and wore dressed hemmed at the knee, representing women's liberation in the 1920s.

What are flappers?


At its peak, this was the percentage of Americans unemployed during the Great Depression.

What is 25%?


The New Deal transformed the United States into this.

What is a limited welfare state?

Supreme Court decision that said Japanese internment during WWII was in fact constitutional because it was during a time of war.  
Korematsu v. US

Frederick Jackson Turner wrote this book, claiming that American history had been that of expansion westward; with the closing of the frontier, America lost a critical component of our culture.

What is "The Significance of the Frontier in American History?"


These three polices dominated American foreign policy during the three Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.

What are the Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy?


Theodore Roosevelt used this to set aside 150 million acres of federal land as national reserves that could not be sold or exploited.

What is the Forest Reserve Act of 1891?


This Supreme Court decision declared that the federal government could limit the 1st Amendment right of "freedom of speech" in time of war and if there was a "clear and present danger."

What is Schenk v. United States?


These were passed to reduce the number of "New" immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.  Were a response to nativism.

What is the Quota Act of 1921 and the National Origins Act?


These shantytowns of the unemployed were named this to mock the president overseeing the Great Depression.

What are Hoovervilles?


Franklin Roosevelts plan to overcome efforts to judicially challenge the New Deal.

What is the court-packing scheme?

It was at this conference that the allies planned for the post-war world, including the division of Germany, democratic elections in Eastern Europe, and the founding of the United Nations.

What is the Yalta Conference?