Anything Goes
A Roosevelt Did It
Great Depression
Roaring 20's
World Wars
Final Jeopardy

Written by Upton Sinclair, it exposed the poor conditions in the meatpacking industry in Chicago. 

What is The Jungle?


This was the top secret development of nuclear weapons by the US.

What is the Manhattan Project?


The name given to FDR’s relief, recovery, and reform programs.

What is the New Deal?


He became President after Harding died while in office. He was a pro-business Republican. 

Who is Calvin Coolidge?


was a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-boat off the coast of Southern Ireland on May 7, 1915. The attack killed nearly 1,200 people, including 128 Americans.

What is the Lusitania?


Negotiated by Secretary of State John Hay America sought access to Asian markets while limiting European spheres of influence in China.

What is the Open Door Policy?


Following the negotiation of the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, the United States gained control of the construction of this from France and began construction on May, 4, 1904.

What is the Panama Canal?


Caused by over speculation and buying on a margin, this happened on October 24th. This event became known as Black Tuesday. 

What is the Stock Market Crash or Great Crash of 1929?


led African Americans out of the oppressive and violent Jim Crow South into Northern cities or to the West for economic opportunities and political freedoms.

What is the Great Migration?


This law replaced the neutrality acts, allowing the U.S. to trade with nations atwar if they paid up front and transported those goods on their own ships.

What is the Cash and Carry law?


refers to the increased fear of leftist ideals, especially Communism, that followed the Bolshevik Revolution and World War I. This fear led to the Palmer Raids led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer.

What is the Red Scare?


The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 was proposed by FDR to expand the members of the Supreme Court. This became known as

What is Court Packing?


Passed under Hoover, this raised rates on imported goods. It worsened the Great Depression by causing countries to pass retaliatory tariffs.

What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?


Pilot and media sensation was the first to successfully complete a solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic from Long Island to Paris, France.

Who is Charles Lindberg?


Headed by Bernard Baruch, this helped to coordinate the purchase and production of goods necessary for the war effort. 

What is the War Industries Board?


This was established following WWII with the hopes of establishing peaceful relationships to avoid another global war. 

What is the United Nations?


This was created to regulate the Stock Market. They have the power to press charges on violators of the new law.

What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?


Jobless WWI veterans traveled to Washington D.C. where they demanded early payment of bonuses Congress had promised for their service in the war. 

What is the Bonus March or Bonus Army?


Highly publicized trial over the teaching of evolution. Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan were the opposing attorneys. 

What is the Scopes Trial?


This major naval battle was part of the American “Island Hopping” campaign in the Pacific Theater. The American success here, then again at Guadalcanal, was considered the turning point for the war in the Pacific.

What is the Battle of Midway?


Written by Ida Tarbell, it was originally published in McClure’s Magazine. The piece was an exposé on the corrupt business practices of Robber Baron and oil magnate John D. Rockefeller.

What is the History of Standard Oil?


This expansion of the Monroe Doctrine argued that not only should Europe stay out of the Americas, but it was America’s duty to protect the Western Hemisphere. This was also known as Big-Stick Diplomacy.

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?


Amidst the Great Depression, a drought hit the Great Plains, causing severe storms that killed people and livestock and damaged farms. Many farmers, known as “Oakies,” were forced to migrate west in search of jobs.

What is the Dust Bowl


involved Albert B. Fall, Harding’s Secretary of the Interior accepting bribes from private oil companies that allowed them to use government oil reserves.

What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?


Held in April, President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill of England, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union met to discuss the post-war plan for a defeated Germany and the reorganization of Europe.

What is the Yalta Conference?


They were convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death. Many believed their background as Italians and anarchists influenced their conviction.

Who is Sacco and Venzetti?