Becoming a World Power
Progressive Era
Great Depression and New Deal

The ___________________ was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine that said the United States had a responsibility to preserve order and protect life and property in central and south America. 

Roosevelt Corollary 


This was the nickname for journalists who specialized in investigative stories and uncovering scandalous information



This British passenger ship was sunk by the Germans in 1915, killing over 100 American civilians



Who said the following, FDR or Herbert Hoover: The spread of government destroys initiative and thus destroys character. Character is made in the community as well as in the individual by assuming responsibilities, not by escape from them. Carried to its logical extreme, all this shouldering of individual and community responsibility upon the Government can lead but to the superstate where every man becomes the servant of the State and real liberty is lost. 



What laws did Congress pass in the 1930s to keep the US out of foreign conflicts?

Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937


The sinking of the USS Maine is considered a primary cause of what war?

Spanish-American War


Devoted her life to improving the lives of the immigrant poor by modeling a similar version in London with the settlement house she founded.

Jane Addams


Germany attempted to convince this country to attack the United States in a secret telegram



FDR's New Deal programs were influenced by what early 20th century reform group?



What do cash and carry, destroyers for bases, the Lend-Lease Act, and the Atlantic Charter all have in common?

They were all ways FDR gradually shifted the US from neutrality to active support for the Allies before officially entering the war. 


What was yellow journalism and what role did it play in the Spanish-American War?

Yellow journalism was a style of sensationalized and exaggerated news reporting that convinced the American public that Spain was responsible for sinking the USS Maine.


This photojournalist exposed life in tenements and slums in his book How the Other Half Lives (1890)

Jabob Riis


What us the following poem referring to:
I pick up my life, And take it with me,
And I put it down in
Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Scranton,
Any place that is North and East, And not Dixie.

I pick up my life And take it on the train,
To Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Seattle, Oakland, Salt Lake
Any place that is North and West, And not South.

The Great Migration


This highly influential act was passed in 1935 to provide economic benefits to retired people, unemployed people, and others

Social Security Act


What was the Office of War Information (OWI) and what did it do?

a government agency responsible for delivering information  and creating propaganda to promote  support for the war effort through radio broadcasts, newspapers, posters, and films


What justifications were there for Imperialism? 

provided access to new markets and raw materials; Establishing naval bases worldwide, as advocated in Alfred Thayer Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power upon History, was seen as crucial for national security and global influence; it was the duty of "superior" nations to civilize and modernize "less advanced" peoples, often framed as the "White Man’s Burden."


As a result of the temperance movement, the ____ Amendment was passed, but was later repealed by the _____ Amendment

18th Amendment

21st Amendment


Name one of the laws that was passed to limit anti-war speech during WWI

Espionage Act (1917)

Sedition Act (1918)


Give 3 causes for the Great Depression.

Stock Market Crash of 1929, "buying on the margin," bank failures, consumerism and overproduction, high tariffs and reduced global trade


What program did the US government create to bring in more Mexican farmworkers during the War?

Bracero program


What did the Insular Cases declare?

The Constitution did not automatically extend all of its rights to territories acquired by the United States after the Spanish-American War. 


Name one of the two laws that resulted from reaction to Upton Sinclair's horrifying book The Jungle

Pure Food and Drug Act 

Meat Inspection Act


Explain the significance of one of the following during the 1920s: immigration, consumerism, Harlem Renaissance, prohibition.

  • Immigration: A surge in nativism, leading to restrictive immigration laws like the Immigration Act of 1924, which limited entry from Southern and Eastern Europe and nearly banned Asian immigration.

  • Consumerism: Mass production, installment buying, and advertising fueled a consumer-driven economy, making goods like automobiles and household appliances more accessible to the middle class.

  • Harlem Renaissance: A cultural movement that celebrated African-American artistic, literary, and musical achievements in Harlem, NYC.

  • Prohibition: The 18th Amendment banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol, leading to the rise of speakeasies and organized crime until its repeal in 1933 with the 21st Amendment.


Name one New Deal (alphabet agency) program and what it sought to accomplish. 

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) - designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses

NRA (National Recovery Act) - eliminate "cut throat competition" by bringing industry, labor, and government together to create codes of "fair practices"

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) - provide electricity generation, regional planning, and economic development to the Tennessee Valley

WPA (Works Progress Administration) - employed millions of jobseekers to carry out public works projects


What's one way WW2 changed life for Black Americans? What's one way it didn't? 

Changed: desegregation of the workplace, eventual desegregation of the work force (1948), increased job opportunities, creation of Civil Rights movement

Unchanged: lynchings still occurred during the war, Black veterans didn't have as much access to the GI Bill, Jim Crow Laws still in place in the south