Labor Systems
Chesapeake Colonies
New England Colonies

This armed rebellion of former indentured servants resulted in a stricter racial hierarchy in the colonies.

What is Bacon's Rebellion


Under this system, a person's passage would be paid as long as they agreed to work for a set number of years.

What is Indentured Servitude 

The discovery of this cash crop, which grew well in marshy soil, was hugely profitable in the Chesapeake Region 

What is Tobacco


Describe the demographic makeup of the New England colonies.

Families; women, children; religious; also some servants


In Canada, the French built successful relationships with Native peoples through their trade of this good and through this official union.

What is fur trade and marriage 


This military conflict involved the Wampanoag and Narragansett tribes in New England fighting against the colonists who continued to encroach on their land. It resulted in thousands of of deaths and ultimately the end of much Native resistance in New England.

What is King Philip's War

This form of farming, which provided primarily for the needs of the family, happened primarily in the New England colonies

What is Subsistence Farming


Describe the demographic makeup of the Chesapeake colonists.

Young, single, male

These settlers came over on the Mayflower and were highly critical of the Church of England.

Who are the Pilgrims/Separatists


This leader of the Algonquin tribe lived in the area surrounding Jamestown. His tribe resisted English settlement and advocated for peace.

Who is Powhatan


This 1739 rebellion of enslaved peoples in South Carolina resulted in replacing the task system with chattel and hereditary slavery.

What is the Stono Rebellion


Under this system, the Spanish granted conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians.

What is the Encomienda System

This English adventurer is often credited with the success of the Jamestown colony due to his strict discipline and organization with the settlers.

Who is John Smith


This first governor of Massachusetts was extremely religious and believed the colony to be a "City Upon a Hill."

Who is John Winthrop


This group of six tribes located in present-day New York is one of the oldest democracies and played a strategic role in both the American and French colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy


Religious skirmishes, persecutions, and disagreements caused Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams, and William Penn to create the following two colonies centered on religious toleration.

What is Rhode Island and Pennsylvania 


Under this system, a person was given 50 acres of land for bringing colonists into the Americas.

What is the Headright System


The Virginia Company was the name of this type of company whose goal was to make profit by selling stocks to shareholders.

What is a joint-stock company


These settlers were English Protestants who wanted to reform the Church of England. They were very religious and intolerant of other forms fo worship.

Who are the Puritans


The Middle Colonies prospered by cultivating this crop.

What is wheat


In 1643, four New England colonies formed this military alliance to ensure mutual protection from Native Americans and to handle runaway enslaved peoples.

What is the New England Confederation


In South Carolina, the labor system known as this allowed for more autonomy and cultural practices amongst enslaved peoples.

What is the Task System


This was the first representative government in colonial Virginia, made up primarily of plantation owners.

What is the House of Burgesses


The primary government in the early New England colonies were centered around these gatherings where colonists would come together regularly to discuss and vote on public issues.

What are Town Meetings


The Navigation Acts of 1650 were an example of this economic policy between Great Britain and its colonies.

What is mercantilism