Skills, Stems and Acronyms
Colonization, connection and Conquest
Colonial Regions
Labor Systems
Reasons for and regrets from Colonization

Describe one difference between North American and South American colonies

What is comparison?


This European power was the first to colonize the new world, practiced the encomienda system, and had a strict caste system with people called the peninsulares on top

Who was spain?


This colonial region was known primarily for farming cash crops like rice, tobacco and indigo, and constructing a plantation based economy.

Where are the Southern Colonies?


Once indentured servitude became to risky and controversial for wealthy landowners, they used this system for labor.

what is the slave trade/system

The three g's

If you don't know this I cannot help you

-Mr. Ward


ACE stands for, this





Native Americans used these crops, the three sisters, to grow food and help replenish the soil. They became a hit in the old world too.

What is corn, squash and beans


This colony was founded for the Pilgrims to escape religious persecution in 1620 and would later be overtaken by a larger colony also made by the Puritans.

What was Plymouth?


This system promised 50 acres to landowners for every indentured servant they sponsored.

What was the headright system?


This Catholic Priest wrote against the Encomienda system with his work "The Destruction of the Indies"

Who was Las Casas?


Analyze the extent to which the roles of women in American society changed from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of the 19th century.

What is continuity and change?


This colonizing power left North America after being surrounded by the British. They went to pillage, I mean colonize, Africa instead.

Who were the Dutch?


The Middle colonies are known for 2 main things. First, making bread and the second is something we should ask our Pennsylvania sports fans

What is metal? (Steelers)


This man led a crusade against corrupt practices of those over the contracts of indentured servants and the wealthy landowners in the southern colonies

Who was Nathaniel Bacon?


This cash crop was introduced to the Jamestown colony in 1610 and completely saved this venture from complete failure (and canibalism)

What is Tobacco


Explain the causes of the American Revolution.

What is causation


This colonial power had the best relationships with the Native Americans and actively traded furs and other goods with them. Colonies made up much of what is modern Canada

What are the French?


This wave of revival was started by Puritans trying to establish a call to return to morals. Go back to the city on the hill or remain sinners in the hand of an angry god

What was the great awakening?


This system established by the Spanish justified enslavement of Native Americans by forcing them to convert to Christianity.

What is the encomienda system?


This cash crop was grown in Caribbean by the Spanish. Oh Honey honey

What is sugar?


Evaluate how French and British interactions with native Americans impacted their colonial holdings in the new world

What is comparison?


Christopher Columbus sailed as an Italian man for this global power after being laughed away by the Portuguese and the Italians.

Who were the Portuguese? 


This event in the Massachusetts Bay Colony saw people make wild accusations for the purpose of land acquisition. Grab your broom, cauldron and cat, but not for Hogwartz

What are the Salem Witch Trials?


This economic system stresses dependence on a mother country. I.E. all goods a colony produces is sent to the colonizing power

What is mercantilism?


The spread of diseases like this, caused a rapid decrease in the indigenous population of the United States

What is Smallpox