Social Structures

This invention completely transformed agriculture and the speed at which certain products could be produced, resulting in the expansion of chattel slavery.This invention completely transformed agriculture and the speed at which certain products could be produced, resulting in the expansion of chattel slavery.

What is the Cotton Gin?


This landmark Supreme Court case established judicial review.

What is Marbury v. Madison?


This is the idea that nobles are obligated to take care of the lower classes and that the educated “elites” should govern society for the greater good.

What is “noblesse oblige?”


This movement became popular during this era and promoted sobriety.

What is the Temperance Movement?


The battle of Lexington and Concord began what war?

What is the Revolutionary War?


This series of laws passed by the British Parliament in the 17th and 18th centuries regulated colonial trade and restricted the use of foreign ships to transport goods.

What is Colonial Commerce?


This political party that Jefferson was famously a part of favored an agrarian economy over an industrial one.

What is the Democratic-Republican Party?


This religious revival movement swept across the United States, emphasized the importance of individual salvation, and contributed to the formation of new social networks and communities.

What is the Second Great Awakening?


This pamphlet was one of the most influential pieces of writing by an American Colonist that argued for the colonies to become independent states and fully cut ties with the British.

What is common sense by Thomas Paine?


This war exacerbated conflicts between the colonists and the British government, particularly over land and taxes.

What is the French and Indian War?


Paying  off the national debt, having the national government assume state debt, enacting tariffs and excise taxes, and creating a national bank were all tenets of this economic plan.

What is Hamilton’s Financial plan?


This was period of nationalism in which generally Americans had high hopes for their country was sparked by the “victory” of the War of 1812.

What is the Era of Good Feelings?


This consequence of westward expansion reinforced the existing social hierarchies and created new ones based on land ownership.

What is the emergence of an “elite” class?

A group of thinkers believed in finding one's true inner self, looking for the essence of God in nature, and being self-reliant.

Who were the Transcendentalists?


This set of acts passed by the British Parliament resulted in the creation of the First Continental Congress.

What were the Coercive or Intolerable Acts?


This is the name of the period of industrialization and economic growth. 

What is the Market Revolution?


This piece of writing is a foundational document of American foreign policy and stated that the U.S. would be the protector of the Western hemisphere.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


This event which banned slavery North of the 36*30* parallel in the Louisiana Territory resulted in the increase of sectional tensions over slavery.

What is the Missouri Compromise?

This is the idea, central to Enlightenment thinking, that everyone is born with certain privileges that cannot be taken away. 

What are natural or inalienable rights?


This controversy resulted in a quasi-war between the U.S. and France.

What is the XYZ Affair?


A key issue with this ”constitution“ was that it didn’t allow the national government to tax the states.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


The election of 1800 and “victory” of the war of 1812 resulted in the decline of what party? 

What is the Federalist Party?


The common public school movement was started by this individual.

Who is Horace Mann?


This philosophy/ideology emphasizes the importance of citizenship and believes in electing representatives, often the educated elite, to represent the needs of the many and the greater good.

What is Republicanism?


What event, occurring during Period 4, involved a series of battles between the United States and Native American tribes, leading to increased tensions and eventually culminating in the War of 1812?

What is Tecumesh’s War or the “Battle of Tippecanoe?”