It was created by Alexander Hamilton to stabilize the American economy.  It consisted of federal assumption of all debts, including state and federal debts.  Along with this, he proposed the chartering of the Bank of the United States (BUS) to help restore American credit.  

What is Hamilton's Financial Plan 


This act allotted 160 acres of western land to any adult citizen head of family who had not fought against the Union during the Civil War on the promise to live and cultivate the land for 5 years.  It was intended to populate the West and to provide an incentive for Union supporters.  

What is the Homestead Act of 1862


This war slogan was created to fuel American desire to join the Allied effort.  After the Russian Revolution, all the Allied Powers (France, Britain) were democracies while the Central Powers (Germany, Ottoman Empire) were autocracies.  

What is "Make The World Safe For Democracy" 
It has 3 letters and outlines FDR's New Deal Program.  It includes immediate ____ for workers and the unemployed, ______ for the nation's economy to help push the U.S. out of the depression, and permanent _____ to prevent economic maladjustments in the future.  

What is the Three R's Relief, Recovery and Reform.  


Passed over Nixon's Veto, it restricted the powers of the president in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the president could only commit American troops for 60 days without the approval of Congress.  This federal law is intended to limit the U.S. president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress.

What is the War Powers Act 


In this incident, a small group of western Pennsylvania farmers rose up to challenge the excise tax on whiskey.  They refused to pay the tax, they attacked tax collectors and began to march on Pittsburgh, but President Washington sent 13,000 troops to stop the protest and show the power of the Federal government.  

What is the Whiskey Rebellion (1794)


The plan that allowed the Southern secession states to restore their old government after 10% of the voters had given an oath of loyalty to the Union.  Radical Republicans opposed this plan because they thought it too lenient toward the South.

What is Lincoln's 10% Plan 


What are the two constitutional Amendments passed during the Wilson administration? Hint- One prohibited the sale, manufacture and transportation of alcohol and the other granted suffrage to women.  

What is the 18th and 19th Amendments


This act employed about 3 million young men to replant trees in the forest, fight fires, prevent floods, drain swamps and make trails.  They made about $30 per month and out of that about $20 were sent to their families.  

What is the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) 

Reagan's program to reduce the size of the federal government, deregulate business, cut government taxes, cut government spending and give more power to local governments.  According to Reagan, "The government is not the solution to out problem, government is the problem." 

What is New Federalism 

This was Washington's message to the country when he left office.  It was published in newspapers and primarily addressed domestic problems.  He warned against political parties, division, keeping a strong national government and stated that the U.S. should avoid any entanglements in European affairs and wars.  

What is Washington's Farewell Address (1797)


After the Battle of Antietam, President Lincoln proposed to free slaves in rebellious states while allowing slavery in the border states.  It was an attempt to curry British support for the Union and made the abolition of slavery an explicit war goal.  It also ordered that "suitable" persons among those freed could be enrolled and paid into the Union Army and also ordered the army to maintain the freedom of former slaves.  

What is The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)


legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the freedom of speech protection afforded in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment could be restricted if the words spoken or printed represented to society a “clear and present danger.” In this case, a member of the socialist party printed and distributed some 15,000 leaflets to challenge the legitimacy of the war and to criticize the draft and the U.S. government.  He was found guilty of violating the Espionage and Sedition Act.  

What is Schenck v. United States 


This occurs when the government spends more than it takes in in taxes and revenue, thus "borrowing against the future."  By doing this, the government hopes to increase the nation's productivity and consumption and push the nation of out an economic depression.   This heavy government spending would stimulate the economy. 

What is Deficit Spending 


Military defense strategy proposed by Reagan in which high tech space based lasers would intercept incoming enemy nuclear warheads.  Costing millions of dollars, the tech for this plan was never fully developed, however, the increased military spending during the Reagan years forced the USSR to stop competing in the arms race.  

What is the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) also known as Star Wars


 In 1793, war broke out between the new revolutionary government of France and Great Britain. The American public was divided over who to support: the French who had supported and were perhaps inspired by the American Revolution, or Great Britain.  This position by Washington caused Jefferson to resign from the cabinet, as he sympathized with the French.  Washington did not want to become entangled with the European problem so he signed the _________________ to keep America out of the war.  

What is the Neutrality Act (1793) 


A court order that forced the detainer of a prisoner to show cause for the prisoner's detention.  By suspending the order, the president had the right to arrest anti Unionists or pro Southerners.  

What is The Suspension of Habeas Corpus 

These were Wilson's goals for post WWI.  They were very idealistic: only four of his ideas were included in the Treaty of Versailles, the treaty that ended WWI and set the formation of the League of Nations.  

What is Wilson's Fourteen Points 


He was a Senator from Louisiana who felt that FDR was too conservative.  He proposed a program "Share our Wealth." that would have given every family $5,000 at the expense of the rich.  He was later assassinated in 1935. 

Who is Huey Long 


Scandal that resulted from a burglary at the Democratic National Headquarters.  It was later discovered that the burglars were hired by CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President) to ruin political opponents and to spy on them by bugging their telephones.  Nixon then attempted to cover up the burglary from federal investigation.  

What is Watergate 


Negotiated by Chief Justice John Jay in an effort to avoid war with Britain, the treaty included a British promise to evacuate outposts on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, in exchange for which Jay bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary was debts and to abide by Britain's restrictive trading policies toward France.  The Treaty was so unfavorable for the U.S. that it barely was ratified by the Senate.  

What is Jay's Treaty (1794) 


They were extreme Northern Democrats who believed the Union could be united if slavery were not attacked.  They also opposed conscription and were arrested on charges of hindering the Union cause with slanderous talk about Lincoln and his supporters.  

What is Copperheads 


This article morally bound the U.S. to aid any member of the League of nations that was experiencing external aggression.  The U.S. Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles because it would force the U.S. to send troops without Congressional approval.  Furthermore, reservationist and irreconcilables were concerned about the possibility of European powers intervening in the American Hemisphere, thus violating the Monroe Doctrine.  

What is Article X of the League of Nations 


This was a way that America sold arms and supplies to the Allies until 1941. The Allies would come to America, pay cash for arms and supplies and carry them back on their own ships.  This strategy allowed America to avoid war, maintain neutrality and profit from the war.  

What is Cash and Carry 

Name given to a top-secret Department of Defense study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. As the Vietnam War dragged on, with more than 500,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam by 1968, military analyst Daniel Ellsberg—who had worked on the study—came to oppose the war, and decided that the information contained should be available to the American public.  In 1971, he gave a copy to the New York Times, sparking more anti-war protest.  

What is the Pentagon Papers