An era of change and reform inside the united states at the local, state and federal level following the industrial era.
What is the Progressive Era?
Founder of the NAACP, who promoted immediate equality for Black Americans.
Who is W.E.B. Dubois?
The right to vote.
What is Suffrage?
This island was annexed by the United States in 1898.
What is Hawaii?
The nickname of the political party Theodore Roosevelt created and ran for during the Election of 1912.
What is the Bull Moose Party?
This Filipino leader helped the United States during the Spanish American War then later fought against them.
Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?
Law passed to protect the food and medicines Americans consumed thanks to Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle."
What is the Meat Inspection Act or Food and Drug Act?
Civil Rights leader that argued that African Americans should earn their rights gradually through vocational education.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
The progressive era sought to change from this accepted economic policy that dominated the industrial era.
What is Social Darwinism or Laissez Faire?
America's Open Door Policy was directed at which country?
What is China?
This muckraker uncovered the the corruption of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
What is when a stronger country takes over a weaker country?
This amendment banned the sale and manufacturing of alcohol.
What is 18th amendment?
President during WWI
Who is Woodrow Wilson
President Teddy Roosevelt's plan that included 3 major goals for America was called ________________ .
What is the Square Deal?
Roosevelt pushed for the United States to build a canal here.
What is Panama?
This movement believed alcoholism was the cause of society's problems.
What is the Temperance Movement?
The exaggeration of stories with the goal of selling more newspapers.
What is Yellow Journalism?
This individual was the first Black man to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard.
Who is (W.E.B.) William Dubois?
This African American writer and civil rights leader started an anti-lynching campaign.
Who is Ida B. Wells
The Amendment that gave women the right to vote.
19th Amendment
Jane Addams headed this movement in Chicago aimed to provide education and social services for women in need.
What are settlement houses?
Taft's foreign policy of giving money to Latin American countries.
What is Dollar Diplomacy?
His emphasis on building the Navy empowered the United States efforts in controlling the Pacific and Caribbean?
Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan?
Roosevelt's handpicked presidential successor; later he ran against him.
Who is William Howard Taft?
Investigative journalists who exposed corruption to encourage social change.
Who are muckrakers?
Woodrow Wilson passed this act to ban price-fixing and other unfair business practices.
What is the Clayton Anti-Trust Act?
The United States gained control over these territories after the Spanish American War.
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
Susan B. Anthony is most associated with which movement?
What is Woman's Suffrage?
Name of the amendment that did not allow the United States to take Cuba as a territory.
What is the Teller Amendment?
This act passed in 1906 was the first law in the United States to protect cultural and natural resources on federal lands.
What is the Antiquities Act signed by President Roosevelt.
This president was assassinated which led to Teddy Roosevelt taking office.
Who is William McKinley?
This act attempted to break up monopolies, but didn't clearly define what a monopoly actually was.
What is the Sherman Anti Trust Act?
The explosion of this vessel contributed to the start of the Spanish American War
What is the U.S.S. Maine?
This muckraker exposed the exploitation of immigrant workers by photographing tenement homes.
Who is Jacob Riis?
Woodrow Wilson's policy of only cooperating with countries with democratic governments.
What is Moral Diplomacy?