Period 3: 1754-1800
Period 4: 1800-1848
Period 5: 1844-1877
Period 6: 1865-1898
Period 7: 1890-1945

Popular term for the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The amendments secure key rights for individuals and reserve to the states all powers not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the Constitution.

bill of rights


A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

What is the second great awakening


The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1865, accomplished which of the following?

 Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime


What is a robber baron

A word with a negative connotation to describe rich business owners


Conservative Republican opponents of the Treaty of Versailles argued that the League of Nations would

limit United States sovereignty


Opponents of the 1787 Constitution, they cast the document as antidemocratic, objected to the subordination of the states to the central government, and feared encroachment on individuals' liberties in the absence of a bill of rights.

what are the anti-federalists


Did all regions of the country benefit equally from the Transportation Revolution? Who did?

No — the North and old Northwest benefitted the most.


The period of Reconstruction following the Civil War aimed to:

Reintegrate the Confederate states into the Union and address the social, economic, and political rights of newly freed slaves


What best describes the purpose of the Homestead Act

To encourage westward expansion by offering land grants to settlers


Which of the following most directly contributed to the trend in African American migration shown on the graph between 1900 and 1929 ?

An effort to escape violence and limited opportunity in the South


Widely unpopular tax on an array of paper goods, repealed in 1766 after mass protests erupted across the colonies. Colonists developed the principle of "no taxation without representation" that questioned Parliament's authority over the colonies and laid the foundation for future revolutionary claims.

Stamp Act


What significant consequences did improvements during the Transportation Revolution, such as the Erie Canal, have on the American economy?

Canals helped connect the regional and national economics.


They were against slavery in the new territories. They also advocated federal aid for internal improvements and urged free government homesteads for settlers.

Free Soil Party


What was a major consequence of the Spanish-American War?

The United States acquired Guam and Puerto Rico as territories


Many anti-imperialists opposed the annexation of the Philippines in 1898 because they believed that

United States colonialism in the Philippines was incompatible with the American belief in self-determination


Decree issued by Parliament in the wake of Pontiac's uprising, prohibiting settlement beyond the Appalachians. Contributed to rising resentment of British rule in the American colonies.

Proclamation of 1763


What was an important consequence of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

It temporarily silenced debate but ultimately failed to resolve the controversy over slavery.


The Freedmen's Bureau, established by Congress in 1865, provided which of the following services to newly freed African Americans?

 Educational opportunities and vocational training


The practices of big-business leaders in the late 1800s best reflect which of the following actions.

Big-business leaders used their influence to facilitate rapid economic growth


The Open Door policy in China called for which of the following?

equal commercial access by all nations to the existing spheres of influence in China


Series of punitive measurements passed in retaliation for the Boston Tea Party, closing the Port of Boston, revoking a number of rights in the Massachusetts colonial charter, and expanding the Quartering Act to allow for the lodging of soldiers in private homes. In response, colonists convened the First Continental Congress and called for a complete boycott of British goods

Hamiltons Financial Plan


Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the concept of judicial review, as established by Marbury v. Madison?

The Supreme Court should review laws that conflict with the Constitution and can strike down a law as unconstitutional.


The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 are significant because

They highlighted the growing divide between Northern and Southern states over the issue of slavery.


Which of the following statements best characterizes the significance of the Pullman Strike of 1894 in American labor history?

 It highlighted the growing tension between labor and management and the federal government's willingness to intervene on behalf of business interests.


in 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover disagreed most strongly about the desirability of

federal relief to individuals