The principle of American foreign policy warning European nations against any intervention in the Western hemisphere.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
First organization to attempt to provide services and opportunities for Western farmers.
What is the Grange?
Leader of a rebellion that demonstrated the need for a strong federal government including a constitution.
Who is Daniel Shays?
Political party that emerged in the 1890s to express rural grievances and mount major attacks on the Democrats and Republicans.
What is the Populist party?
Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine encouraging colonists to fight for independence.
What is Common Sense?
Supreme Court case that integrated schools.
What is Brown v. the Board of Education?
Questionable extension of the Monroe Doctrine that declared an American right to intervene in Latin American nations under certain circumstances.
What is the Roosevelt Corollary?
Supreme Court cases that decided "judicial review."
What is Marbury v. Madison?
Colorful volunteer regiment of the Spanish-American War led by a militarily inexperienced but politically influential colonel.
Who are the Rough Riders?
Supreme Court case that legalized segregation.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
Famous speech delivered by John Winthrop illustrating the significance of Boston as a model of piety.
What is "City on a Hill"?
1st battle of the Civil War.
What is Fort Sumter?
Philanthropist who authored "The Gospel of Wealth"?
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
Executive order that mandated Japanese internment camps.
What is 9066?
Agency that assisted newly freed slaves with education, clothing, and "protection."
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?