Early Colonialism
French and Indian War
Early Revolutionary War
The Federalists
The Constitution
This was England's prevailing economic philosophy of the 1600s that held that colonies existed to serve the mother country.
What is mercantilism.
This young colonel was defeated by French troops at Fort Duqesne early on, leading to a stronger British presence.
Who is George Washington
This act was enacted by parliament to raise revenue for England after it incurred debt from the French and Indian War.
What is the Sugar Act
The Federalists' use of the elastic clause depicted that they viewed the Constitution in this manner.
What is loose interpretation
Ratification of the Constitution was needed by the state of NY and VA. In order to procure their vote, this was promised in return.
What is a Bill of Rights (amendments)
These religious leaders wished to reform the Church of England to be more in line with their Calvinist ideology, and rejected the Roman Catholic holdovers in the Anglican Church.
What are Puritans.
After the war, tension between natives and colonists continued led by this Ottawa warrior chief.
Who is Chief Pontiac?
Revenue from this tax was to be used solely for the support of the British soldiers protecting the colonies
What is the Stamp Act
During the quasi-war with France, President Adams silenced his critics by having Congress pass these laws.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts
John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison wrote these editorials to convince New Yorkers of the need to ratify.
What are the Federalist Papers
Many poor workers, convicted criminals and debtors received immigration passage to the colonies by serving a voluntary contract to a planter or company for 5-7 years.
What is the indentured servant system
This energetic and capable Prime Minister led Britain to virtually destroy the French empire in North America by focusing on the headquarters in Canada.
Who is William Pitt
John Adams successfully defended the perpetrators of this horrific event, and anti-Royal leaders used it to spur action in the colonies.
What is the Boston Massacre
President Washington realized that permanent alliances would not work in the future for the United States and warned against them in his Farewell Address, he also warned about the dangers of these...
What are political parties?
According to the Constitution, a candidate for the Presidency must be a natural born citizen, a resident for a minimum of 14 years and this age.
What is 35?
This first representative assembly in Virginia contained many of the FFV (First Families of Virginia)
What is the House of Burgesses
This act outrage the colonists who felt they were entitled to move West after their support in winning the war.
What is the Proclamation of 1763
Influenced by Locke and other englightenment thinkers, Common Sense was written by this revolutionary leader.
Who is Thomas Paine
Alexander Hamilton lost his life in a duel to this radical Federalist pretending to be a democrat.
Who is Aaron Burr
The Great Compromise combined pieces of the NJ Plan and VA Plan, but also led to this compromise in counting southern populations.
What is the 3/5th Compromise
This woman challenged the religious ideology of predestination and was banished from the Massachusetts colony.
Who is Anne Hutchinson
This plan was proposed by Benjamin Franklin for an inter-colonial government to discuss plans for collective defense against the French.
Who is the Albany Plan?
The Continental Congress' game plan for government was outlined in this important document early on in the war.
What is the Articles of Confederation
John Marshall strengthened the Judicial Branch by siding with his cousin President Jefferson in this landmark court case.
What is Marbury v. Madison?
This clause gave considerable law making powers to the Legislative Branch.
What is the elastic clause or necessary and proper clause?