Famous Women
Foreign Policy
Congressional Acts
She warned her husband to "Remember the Ladies...or else we might foment a rebellion of our own."
Who is Abigail Adams
This bungled meeting in France led to the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
What is the XYZ Affair
This first all-black regiment fought bravely in the Civil War.
What is the 54th Massachusetts
This agency served as a welfare agency for homeless whites and newly freed slaves in the South.
What is the Freedmen's Bureau
The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the court system including the Judicial Branch, plus this important Presidential Cabinet position
What is the Attorney General
Stanton, Anthony and other leading women rebelled against this ideology that women were better suited for domestic responsibilities.
What is the cult of domesticity
The Neutrality Proclamation from President Washington was issued when the United States would not take the side of either of these two nations.
What is France and England
These harsh laws were brought to the Carolinas to set up the slave system in the colonies
What is the Barbados Slave Codes
Lincoln Pocket-Vetoed this Radical Republican bill in opposition
What is the Wade-Davis Bill
This failed piece of legislation was intended to block slavery's expansion into the Mexican cession.
What is the Wilmot Proviso
These abolitionist sisters actually came from the South and advocated for an immediate end to the institution
Who are the Grimke sisters
President Jackson and Van Buren both ignored the issue of admitting this territory due to the slavery issue.
What is Texas
The results of this conflict led to the change of using Indentured Servants and to the need for African Slaves as labor in the South.
What is Bacon's Rebellion
This amendment solidified that all citizens should be treated equally under the law
What is the 14th amendment
John Quincy Adams convinced congress to pass this most controversial piece of legislation and then left it to Jackson to deal with
What is the Tariff of Abominations or Tariff of 1828
Lincoln stated to this woman, "So you're the little lady who started this war."
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Treaty of Paris in 1783 ending the Revolutionary War, could not have been made without the support of this British political party in charge of Parliament.
Who are the Whigs
This economic system saw slaves sold to the new world, molasses and other foodstuff sold to Europe, and weapons and alcohol sold to African smugglers.
What is the Triangular Trade System
President Johnson faced impeachment when he fired this former Lincoln secretary breaking congressional law.
Who is Edwin Stanton
Senator Douglas pushed for passage of this legislation which would allow for the use of popular sovereignty in determining the use of slavery.
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act
This famous former slave led many slaves including her own parents to freedom using the Underground Railroad.
Who is Harriet Tubman
Representative Gadsden secured President Pierce's request to add on additional Mexican Territory when this Mexican leader agreed to the terms
Who is Santa Anna
Under the Compromise of 1850, CA was admitted as a free state, TX was compensated for loss of land, and this was passed to appease the South.
What is the Fugitive Slave Act
Southerners nicknamed their fellow southerners this name when they supported the Union and Republican party
What are scalawags
This legislation encouraged many people to move out West after the Civil War and to start farms.
What is the Homestead Act