Famous Women
American Culture
20th Century Presidents
The Roaring 20s
Her book was jokingly blamed for starting the Civil War by President Lincoln.
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
This slave ship was taken over by the slaves leading to a Supreme Court case defended by John Quincy Adams.This legislation led to dividing the remaining territory of the Louisiana Purchase into slave and non-slave states.
What is the Amistad?
Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and the display of two men at the Mexico Summer Olympics in 1968 all were examples of this movement.
What is Black Power/Pride?
Square Deal
Who is Teddy Roosevelt?
This new modern type of woman ignored the ways of the Victorian Era by wearing short dresses and dancing with men in public.
What is a Flapper?
Alice Paul broke off from NAWSA and started this organization with the help of her close friend Lucy Burns.
What is the National Women's Party (NWP)?
The 3/5ths Compromise settled the question of how to count slaves in states. This was important in determining the number of people in this body.
What is the House of Representatives?
This American made music gets its roots from old slavery spirituals and hymns.
What is Jazz?
Great Society
Who is Lyndon Johnson?
American obsession with material goods led many to purchase beyond their means using this system.
What is buying on credit?
Phyllis Schlafley was able to garner enough support to get this important Constitutional Amendment defeated.
What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?
This legislation led to dividing the remaining territory of the Louisiana Purchase into slave and non-slave states.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
The Brown Berets were part of a movement by Mexican Americans to be identified as this new classification.
What is Chicano/Chicana?
Camp David Accords
Who is Jimmy Carter?
Fear of anarchy and non-English speaking immigrants lead to the conviction of these two men in what many feel was a biased trial.
What is the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial?
Born into slavery, this abolitionist delivered her most famous speech, "Ain't I a Woman."
Who is Sojourner Truth?
President Pierce tried to appease his southern supporters by hatching this plan to grab Cuba from Spain in 1854.
What is the Ostend Manifesto?
Mass movement of minorities to the cities in the 1950s led to this phenomenon in the suburbs.
What is white flight?
Teapot Dome Scandal
Who is Warren Harding?
The Tennessee School board was represented by this famous political leader in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial.
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
She railed against conformity of the modern housewife in the 1950s with her book The Feminine Mystique.
Who is Betty Friedan?
Missourian's that crossed into Kansas were given this nickname by the anti-slavery forces they fought with in Bleeding Kansas.
What are the Border Ruffians?
This landscape school was the first and most famously respected art school in the nation.
What is the Hudson River School?
Federal Reserve Act
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Many literary figures of this movement such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein spent most of their careers living abroad in Paris.
What is the Lost Generation?