Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
What most commonly known movement that was known for its push against slavery, prior to the civil war?
The Abolitionist Movement
What groups in immigrants were the most prevalent in 1800's America?
Germans, Irish, English
What was the purpose of the Indian Removal Act?
Appropriation of Native Lands
Who was the was of 1812 between?
Britain and The United States
What was the name of the ruler who revolutionists intended to break free of during the American Revolution?
King George III
What was the reveal of religious feelings and beliefs from 1800-1840?
The Second Great Awakening
What was the name of the political party that did not support immigration?
Know Nothing Party or Nativists
Why did the native populations decline so much during the 1800's?
European Disease
What was the purpose of the Monroe doctrine?
To appose and prevent European colonization in the western hemisphere.
Who were the two political figures had a bitter rivalry that resulted in one of their deaths in 1804?
Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
What was the goal of the education reforms?
To get children into public schools to reduce poverty?
What country did the immigrants who built railroads come from?
What did the Indian Appropriations Act do?
It created a reservation system that kept Native Americans within their assigned reservation.
Who offered to sell the Louisiana Purchase to the United States?
Name the first 6 presidents of the United States
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Maddison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams
What is Transcendentalism?
The idea of the connection between Humans, God, and Nature.
What did the Chinese Exclusion act do?
Closed the door on immigration from China
What president enacted the Indian Removal Act?
Andrew Jackson
What was the purpose of the John Jay Treaty?
Sought to settle tensions between Britain and The United States.
Who was the political figure most involved with the 'Sons of Liberty'?
Samuel Adams
What was the name of the leader who campaigned for prison reforms?
Dorthea Dix
Where was a primary stop on immigration from the west?
Ellis Island
The Seminole Tribe declared the removal unlawful and refused to move westward.
What war did the XYZ affair result in?