French and Indian War
American Revolution
Articles of Confederation
The Constitution
Early Years of the Republic

This territory was claimed by both the French and the British and conflict here ultimately led to the French and Indian War.

What is the Ohio Valley?

The end of this is one of the primary reasons for the Revolutionary War.
What is salutary neglect?

These two branches of government did not exist under the Articles of Confederation.

What are the Judicial and Executive branches?


This is where 55 delegates from 12 states met to revise the Articles of Confederation.

What is Philadelphia?


This man was the first Secretary of the Treasury and devised a financial program that helped to put the United States on secure financial footing as well as strengthened the ties between states and the central government.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


This man led an expedition into the Ohio Valley to reassert British claims over the region.

Who is George Washington?

This act required a tax on all printed items, from college diplomas, court documents, land titles, and contracts to newspapers, almanacs, and playing cards.
What is The Stamp Act?

The lack of power to do this, led to a fiscal crisis where the central government was nearly bankrupt by 1780.

What is the power to tax?


This plan called for equal representation of all states in a unicameral legislation.

What is the New Jersey Plan?


This kerfuffle was in response to Hamilton's excise tax on alcohol and was the first major test of the power of the federal government under the newly ratified Constitution.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


This plan proposed one general government be formed in America that includes all of the colonies to help the British counter French Expansion.

What is the Albany Plan of Union?


This is the idea that colonists had representation in Parliament because there were transatlantic merchants and West Indian sugar planters as members.

What is virtual representation?


This was a major success of the Articles of Confederation and established a land system to organize territories of the old Northwest including set up townships of 6 miles squared.

What is the Land Ordinance of 1785?


This plan called for the "supremacy of national authority," and based representation in the lower house of a bicameral legislature on population.

What is the Virginia plan?

This agreement between Britain and the U.S. ignored America's claim that "free ships make free goods," and accepted Britain's right to stop neutral ships.
What is Jay's Treaty?
The French and Indian War is also known as this.
What is the Seven Years War?

This was a pamphlet produced by Thomas Paine advocating for the American colonies should declare independence from Great Britain and establish a new government

What is Common Sense?


This prohibited slavery and earmarked funds from land sales for the support of schools. It also set the population requirement to become a state at 60,000.

What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?


This was promised to the Antifederalists in order to get the Constitution ratified.

What are the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.


This was an interpretation of the Constitution that supported the belief that only powers explicitly stated in thr Constitution were legal.

What is strict constructionist?


This granted Britain the following territories: French Canada, all French territory east of the Mississippi River, Spanish Florida and recent conquests in Africa and India.

What is the Treaty of Paris, 1763?


The final battle of the Revolutionary War took place in this place and was made possible by the arrival of the French navy by sea.

What is the battle of Yorktown?


This conflict in Massachusetts was about exorbitant tax increases that caused mobs of angry farmers to close the courts to prevent foreclosure on their farms.

What is Shays' Rebellion?


These were a series of essays written in New York advocating for the ratification of the Constitution.

What are the Federalist Papers?


This was the legacy of the American Revolution for white women that encouraged them to become educated because they would be educating their sons who would become citizens of the US.

What is republican motherhood?