Period 6: The West and the Gilded Age
Period 7:America on the World Stage
Period 7 cont.: America on the World Stage
Period 8/9: Modern America

Idea used to justify racism, imperialism, and accumulation of wealth; rich were rich and poor were poor due to natural selection

What is social darwinism?


The direct cause of U.S. entry into WWI

What is the Zimmerman Telegram?


New Deal Relief institution which allowed the federal government to fund state and local projects; employed over 8.5 million people

What is the WPA (Works Progress Administration)?


Largest civil rights gathering in U.S. history, where MLK made his "I Have a Dream Speech"

What is the March On Washington?


Developed in response to threat of Soviet expansionism, providing over $12 billion to Western European nations (Per. 8)

Bonus 100: Name the Soviet economic organization which was created in response

What is the Marshall Plan?



Established to assimilate Native Americans, tribal land was taken away and sold

What is the Dawes Severalty Act?


Led by Oppenheimer and employed American & Jewish refugee scientists to create the atomic bomb

What is the Manhattan Project?


Meeting attended by FDR, Churchhill, and Stalin to discuss the division of Germany, and the Soviet Union's annexation of territories

What is the Yalta Conference?


Health insurance programs created by Lyndon B. Johnson during his development of the Great Society

Bonus 100 Points: Which supported the poor, and which supported the elderly?

What is Medicare and Medicaid?

Bonus: Medicare for elders, Medicaid for the poor


First federal act to outlaw monopolistic business practices (ineffective at first) (Per. 6)

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?


Court case which had ruled "separate but equal" did not violate the 14th amendment

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?

Amendment which gave women the right to vote on a national level

What is the 19th Amendment?


Court case which ruled that the Espionage and Sedition Act did not violate first amendment rights

What is Schenck v. United States?


Series of acts passed after 9/11 to improve national security

What are the PATRIOT Acts?


Teddy Roosevelt's policy to use military force if necessary to regulate the western hemisphere

What is Big Stick Diplomacy?


Written by Andrew Carnegie, proclaiming the wealthy's responsibility of charity and philanthropy

What is Gospel of Wealth?


Increased tariff on foreign imports in order to stimulate domestic economy during the Great Depression (worsened economy)

What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?


Fueled by the Great Migration; flowering of African American culture and pride

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


These members of the United Nations have veto power

Bonus 100 Points: Name the 5 members

What is the Security Council?

Bonus: U.S., UK, China, Russia, France


The Reagan administration's secret sale of arms to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages (Per. 9)

What is the Iran-Contra Scandal?


Founded by Jane Addams to provide social and educational opportunities for working class immigrants

What is the Chicago Hull House?


Attempts by the U.S. government to arrest radical leftists and anarchists; done without warrants during the Red Scare

What are the Palmer Raids?


WWII program under FDR which authorized the sale/loaning of war materials to any country whom the president deemed vital to the defense of the U.S.

What is the Lend-Lease Program?


Woman who wrote the "Feminine Mystique;" a leading member of the women's liberation movement

Who is Betty Friedan?


Jimmy Carter's framework for a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel (Per. 8)

What are the Camp David Accords?