Period 6
Period 7
Period 7
Period 8
Period 9

Describe horizontal integration or vertical integration.

Horizontal integration was buying out the competition for a product to create a monopoly.

Vertical integration was owning the entire supply chain from the bottom up for a product.


What was Yellow Journalism, and what were it's effects?

Sensational journalism in order to sell more newspapers. It contributed to the creation of the Spanish-American war despite there being very little need for conflict.


What were the New Deal's "three R's"?

Relief, Recovery, and Reform.


What is Levittown?

Mass production of homes in the suburbs after World War II.


This president embraced "Trickle Down Economics" by cutting taxes and decreasing government regulation in the 1980s.

Ronald Reagan


Describe "Social Darwinism"  or the "Gospel of Wealth".

-Social Darwinism was the survival of the fittest mentality (Example: it was your fault you were poor).

-The Gospel of Wealth said that wealth was given by the will of God, and the rich had some responsibility towards charity and philanthropy.


What was the name of the book that inadvertently exposed the disgusting food processes in the country and highlighted the need for the FDA?

"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair


Name two New Deal programs. 

WPA (Works Progress Administration)

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)

Social Security Act

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)


Name one plan that was designed to prevent European countries from falling to Communism after World War II.

Truman Doctrine or Marshall Plan.


The Fall of the Berlin Wall and demise of the Soviet Union marked the end of this "War".

The Cold War


Why was the Populist Party called "a party of patches"?

It was comprised of many different groups such as farmers, Knights of Labor, and the Free Silver Party.


Explain the significance of the Lusitania or the Zimmerman Telegram.

In 1915, Germany sunk a British passenger liner, the Lusitania, which also killed 125 Americans. This demonstrated Germany's aggression in World War I and was one of the reasons the U.S. joined the war.

In 1917 Germany asked Mexico to join the war on its side in the Zimmerman Telegram. In exchange, Germany would help Mexico gain its land back from the U.S.


What was FDR's controversial Executive Order 9066?

Japanese Internment


What was up with Joseph McCarthy?

He accused many people of being communists (without evidence) in the Second Red Scare.


This president was impeached in 1999 for perjury (lying under oath). 

Bill Clinton


Name two labor union demands. 

Shorter hours, better pay, safer working conditions.


Why were the 1920s called "The Roaring Twenties"? Give two reasons.

-Consumerism/Economic boom
-Harlem Renaissance


Explain the significance of D-Day.

Allies led an invasion into Normandy to liberate the French from the Nazis. This was an important mission and turning point in World War II.


What was the name of the Supreme Court case that determined segregation was unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)


Electoral college results were too close to call in this 2000 election between which two candidates? The Supreme Court ultimately selected a winner.

Bush vs. Gore


What was the purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act in 1887?

To assimilate Native Americans into the white population and take their land away.


How did Herbert Hoover respond to The Great Depression?

Hoover did little to help at first because he did not believe it was the government's job to intervene. 

He eventually increased tariffs and tried to support banks, but it was "too little, too late".

You must get all four questions correct to earn these 500 glorious points: 

1. What was the name of the secret atomic bomb building program?
2. Which scientist was the leader of that program?
3. Where were both bombs detonated over Japan?
4. What was the outcome of using those bombs in August 1945?

1. The Manhattan Project

2. Oppenheimer

3. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

4. Japan surrendered


What was the name of Lyndon B. Johnson's government programs aimed at reducing poverty, reducing crime, abolishing inequality, and improving the environment?

The Great Society


This event marked the start of the War on Terror after Al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial jets and flew them into various targets in New York City and Washington, D.C. 

September 11, 2001, also known as 9/11