Farming Out West
Industry, Unions and Strikes
Industry, Unions
and Strikes II
Gilded Age Culture

Barbed Wire helped fence in the Great Plains, but this invention gave the plains farmers the water they needed to survive.

What were windmills. 


Native Americans were forced off their tribal lands and onto these very arid and unproductive lands.

What are reservations.


This strike ended in bloodshed when anarchist threw a bomb at a group of policemen.  After public outcry, the Knights of Labor lost over 50% of it's membership even though it was completely blameless.

What was the Haymarket Strike in Chicago. 


During this strike in Pennsylvania saw workers at a Carnegie still plant exchange gun fire with private Pinkerton guards.  In the end, the state militia was called in and the strikers lost.

What was the Homestead Strike?


This African American composer combined African rhythms and European instruments to make new sound - ragtime.  

Who is Scott Joplin?


This invention created by Joseph Glidden closed the "open range" and helped bring an end to the cattle drives.

What was barbed wire.


The Native Americans of the Great Plains also lost this, their most prized necessity. 

What was bison or buffalo?


Samuel Gompers led up this organization, it was and still is the largest labor union in America.

What was the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?  

Today it is known as the AFL-CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations).

Many industries forced workers to sign these pledges that forbade them from joining a union if they wanted a job at the factory.

What was a "yellow-dog" contract?


Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were the largest owners of these in America, spreading scandal and sensational stories.

What were newspapers?


This John Deere invention allowed farmers of the Great Plains to more easily plow the tough soil of that region.

What was the steel plow?


This Act tried to break up the tribes by offering each family their own 160 acres.

What was the Dawes Severalty Act, 1887?


Eugene Debs headed up the American Railway Union and this political party, which promised to distribute profits from major industry to the workers.

What was the Socialist Party?


Although this railroad strike started in Chicago, in spread to 27 other states as railroad unions joined forces.  The Federal government issued an injunction and Union leader Eugene Debs was thrown in jail for six months.

What was the Pullman Strike?


The most famous of these was Ringling Brothers, using the railroads to move from town to town, entertaining millions of Americans. 

What were circuses? 


This Cyrus McCormick invention allowed farmers to more easily harvest their crops.

What was the mechanical reaper?


The worst massacre of the Native Americans happened at this location in South Dakota, as US forces killed (more like murdered) 200 Native American men women and children, ending the "Indian Wars" in 1890

What was Wounded Knee?


Industry would use these temporary workers to break strikes.

Who were scabs or replacement workers?


This antitrust act hurt unions, not monopolies, because it outlawed any activity that restricted interstate commerce.  Industry leaders used this law to stop strikes and the courts agreed.

What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?


Bryn Mawr and Mount Holyoke were some of the first to allow these college students.

Who were women?


This type of farming allowed farmers to make the most of the dry Great Plains, plowing deep into the sod (unfortunately this farming technique was also a cause of the dust bowl of the 1930s).

What was dry farming?


Young Native Americans were taken from their families to be Americanized (assimilated) using these.

What were schools or boarding schools?


Industry would sometimes do this, closing a factory to keep a strike from even starting.

What is a lock out?


In In re Debs, the Supreme Court ruled that government could use these to stop strikes that hurt the economy.

What is an injunction?


Social sciences became a reality and this famous lawyer argued that one's behavior was determined by how he was brought up.

Who was Clarence Darrow?

 (who also was the lawyer for John Scopes!)