The Muckrakers
Democratic Reforms
National Reforms & Campaigns
Odds and Ends

The Farmers Alliance and this organization were basically the labor unions for the farmers.

What was The Grange?


He was our first progressive president, with his "Square Deal" and his "trust busting."  He was also the one who coined the terms muckrakers to describe progressive journalists.

Who was Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt?


With these, the citizens, not the party bosses or bog wigs, get to choose a political party's nominee.

What are direct primaries or primaries?


This amendment created the graduated federal income tax, which applied mainly to the wealthy at first. 

What is the 16th Amendment?


Before the 19th Amendment was passed, this little lady dedicated to the Temperance Movement caused a sensation by going into saloons and damaging them with her axe.

Who was Carrie Nation?


The Farmers Alliance created these principles that became the backbone of the Populist Party.

What was the Omaha Platform?


Ida Tarbell helped bring down this monopoly.

Who was John D Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust?


With these citizens, not the state or local government, gets to vote yes or no on a proposed law.

What is a referendum?

This Amendment, with the help of Carrie Chapman Catt and Alice Paul, made part of the Seneca Falls Declaration a reality for women.

Who was the 19th Amendment? (women's suffrage)


Yellowstone became America's first national park in 1872.  With the assistance of the naturalist who founded the Sierra Club, many more national parks were also created.

Who was John Muir?


Populist Party members wanted the government to take over this industry because their high fees were hurting farmers.

What was the railroads?


His novel, The Jungle, caused the Meat Inspection Act and the Food and Drug Act to be passed.

Who was Upton Sinclair?


With this amendment, citizens now select their two state senators, not the state legislature.

What is the 17th Amendment?


This amendment made ladies of the Temperance Movement very happy.

What was the 18th Amendment? 

Prohibition against alcohol.


In 1924, Congress granted all Native Americans citizenship.  However, with this 1934 act, the federal government did away with the Dawes Act and worked to bring back the culture and heritage of Native Americans.

What was the Indian Reorganization Act?


The Populist Party wanted this to be the basis of America's money, so they could more easily pay back their loans.

What was silver?  

(America was on the gold standard, which helped banks more than consumers)


Lincoln Steffens and Thomas Nast helped to bring these under control in the big cities.

What were political machines?


These allows citizens to force their state or local legislature to vote on a proposed law.

What is an initiative?


Shut out by the republican party, he ran as the Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) candidate in 1912 and won more votes than the Republican nominee.

Who was Teddy Roosevelt?

Roosevelt and Taft split the vote, allowing Woodrow Wilson to become president.


This party developed as a result of the Panic of 1873, as many people who owed money wanted to get off the gold standard.

What was the Greenback Party?


This man made his "Cross of Gold Speech" and became the democratic candidate for President in 1896.

Who was William Jennings Bryan?  

With that speech the democratic party took the major issue away from the Populist Party, as well as many other progressive issues, severely hurting that party.


His pictorial How the Other Half Lives caused many to do more to help the poor and clean up the cities.

Who was Jacob Riis?


Many of these democratic reforms came from this governor of Wisconsin.

Who was Robert LaFollette?


His New Freedom Agenda called for creating a Federal Reserve Bank, created the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (which benefitted unions) and a Child Labor Act (trying to end child labor)

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


This tragedy sparked women's activism and  improvements to working conditions in factories.

What was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911)?