Progressive Era
World War One
Period 6 Misc.

These people exposed problems and brought issues to light. Their work sometimes led to society calling on the government to address the problems they exposed.



Who was the US President during World War One? What was this president's policy during the early years of the war?

Woodrow Wilson/ neutrality


Describe changes in production during the 1920s.

Moving assembly line led to mass production/ ex. Henry Ford and the Model T - or the efficiency of the Factory System


President at the start of the decade who did not adequately address the problems faced early in the Great Depression. What are examples of how the public showed their frustration with him?

Herbert Hoover

Hoovervilles, Hoover flags, Hoover blankets, Bonus Army


No government interference in the economy is called?

Laissez Faire Economics


These muckrakers exposed dangerous tenement housing conditions and issues of food safety. What are their names and the names of the books they produced?

Jacob Riis/ How the Other Half Lives

Upton Sinclair/ The Jungle


What events led America into World War One?

Sinking of the Lusitania/ German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare

Zimmerman telegram


Describe changes in consumption during the 1920s.

Increased advertising, buying on margin/credit


What was FDRs policy for addressing the Great Depression? How did he communicate this work to the public?

New Deal

fireside chats


The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson was what?

Facilities can be segregated by race if they are "separate but equal"


What were the three C's of Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal?

Corporations (controlling corporations), consumers (protecting consumers), conservation (conserving the environment and its natural resources)


Which laws silenced dissenting speech about World War One on the home front? Which Supreme Court decision upheld these acts?

Espionage and Sedition Acts

Schenck v. United States


Describe examples of nativism and fears of communism during the 1920s.

Red Scare, Palmer raids, Quota Acts of 1921 and 1924, Sacco and Vanzetti


Identify and describe two different New Deal programs.

PWA- Public Works Administration

CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps

TVA- Tennessee Valley Authority

WPA- Works Progress Administration

FDIC- protected money in banks

Social Security


Which party was called the "people's party" and worked to fix the concentration of power being held by the elites?

The Populist Party


Politicians during the Progressive Era generally ignored the massive civil rights issues that had developed and were continuing to develop throughout America, including the south. That said, civil rights leaders continued to advocate for justice. Name three individuals who contributed to this work.

Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells


What is the term for the mass movement of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north? What problems persisted in the north?

Great Migration/ discrimination, segregation, violence/ Chicago 1919= 'Red Summer'


The 1920s were a time when differences in values between modernizing cities and rural areas were highlighted. What some people and events associated with this topic?

flappers, Scopes Monkey Trial, fundamentalists/ Billy Sunday


What were/are critiques of FDR's presidency? Provide multiple examples of them.

Conservatives felt the New Deal put the US govt. in too much debt

Many Black people were ignored by New Deal programs

Many important issues not address during presidency

Some liberals said FDR didn't do enough/ some conservatives called his approach socialism in disguise


Policy of protecting the interests of "native" (not Native American) born Americans over the interests of immigrants



What are the four amendments ratified during the general time period of the Progressive Era? What did these amendments do?

16th- graduated income tax

17th- direct election of senators; ppl vote instead of state legislatures

18th- prohibition of alcohol

19th- women's suffrage


What was Wilson's plan at the end of the war called? What was the final point? What was the treaty that ended the war? Why did Congress refuse to sign the treaty?

Fourteen Points

League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

Fear of future involvement

What was the name for the movement to ban alcohol? What was the name for the time period in America where alcohol was illegal? Which amendment ended this era?

temperance movement


21st Amendment repealed 18th Amendment



Write a thesis to the prompt below:

Evaluate the extent to which the New Deal was effective in addressing the problems of the Great Depression.

You tell me!


What act gave Native Americans citizenship if they denounced their tribe & took up residency on 160 acres of land that was held in trust by the government for 25 years?

The Dawes Act