Civil Rights
That 70s Show
Unfortunate Sons
It's All Relative

The overall figurehead for civil rights was this well educated preacher from Georgia.

Who is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


JFK had a tough road to the Presidency, he had to defeat this VP in order to win the White House

Who is Richard Nixon


Although quite popular, this scandal sunk the Nixon Administration

What was The Watergate Scandal


LBJ gets the US involved in Vietnam due to this Congressional Resolution

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


The face of politics in the 1950s, this President secured 2 terms for the Republican party.

Who is Dwight Eisenhower 


The reverse of MLK, this prominent figure of the Nation of Islam preached achieving civil rights by any means necessary.

Who is Malcolm X


For 13 days the world waited in suspense as JFK worked to diffuse this situation.

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis

America's first non-elected President has to keep the Republican Party together following Watergate.

Who is Gerald Ford


American soldiers were anything but innocent due to their involvment in this massacre.

What is the My Lai Massacre

A man with so much potential, he served as Attorney General and Senator from New York before making his bid for the White House.

Who is Robert Kennedy


John Lewis led this march from ______ to Montgomery to demand equal access to voting from Gov Wallace

What is Selma


Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program was commonly referred by this more aggressive name

What is the War on Poverty.

Jimmy Carter showed he was all about saving the environment by installing these on top of the White House.

What are Solar Panels 

Congress was unhappy with President Nixon as he authorized strikes in this nation

What is Cambodia


Following the nomination of Hubert Humphrey at the Democratic National Convention, protests broke out in this Windy City

What is Chicago

This "party" continued the Black Power movement and was not afraid to carry firearms to support the movement.

What is the Black Panther Party.


JFK's promise to put a man on the moon finally paid off in July of _______

What is 1969


At Kent State the National Guard were sent to put down a protest which resulted in _____ student casualties.

What is 4


This offensive proved that the NVA was armed and ready as they caught us off-guard during the Vietnamese New Year.

What is the Tet Offensive


Ike's cornerstone achievement that connected the nation from coast to coast.

What is the Interstate Highway Act


At the Olympics in ____ two Americans rose their fist in support of the Black Power Movement

What is 1968


The final part of Johnson's Great Society was this program aimed at giving low income families access to Pre-school.

What is Head Start

Although Nixon had his faults, he created this agency aimed at doing some good.

What is the Environmental Protection Agency


Passed by Congress following the strikes in Cambodia, Congress passed this resolution to check the president's power as Commander in Chief

What is The War Powers Resolution


This was the best bill that you could get after returning home from war, as you could spend it on college or a home.

What is the GI Bill