18th Century
19th Century
20th Century

United States's first constitution that proved to lack important elements and was eventually replaced by the Constitution.

What was . . . Articles of Confederation


During what event did the United States acquire 530,000,000 acres of land from France for $15,000,000?

What is . . . Louisiana Purchase


The peace treaty that ended World War I between Germany and the Allied Powers.

What was . . . Treaty of Versailles


War started in 1754 between the North American colonies and the French with Native American allies.

What was . . . French and Indian War or Seven Years' War


When I say judicial review, you say . . .

What was . . . Marbury v. Madison


The disease that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt suffered with that caused him to be in a wheelchair.

What is . . . polio


An event when 7 British soldiers fired into a crowd of people without orders to do so, killing 5, injuring 6, and angering an entire colony.

What was . . . Boston Massacre


Established in 1820, this legislation admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state to keep the free and slave state balance balanced. This legislation also outlawed slavery above 36°30' latitude.

What was . . . Missouri Compromise
An event at an inn in New York City where multiple violent demonstrations broke out against a police raid surrounding gay rights.

What was . . . Stonewall Rebellion


What is the name of the boundary that established the line between free and slave states (aka the North and South)?

What was . . . Mason-Dixon line


What piece of legislation, passed in 1830, led to forced uprooting of more than 100,000 Native Americans?

What was . . . Indian Removal Act


A revolution that spurred a small Communist community in America.

What was . . . Bolshevik Revolution


A location where many died from disease, dehydration, or starvation during the Revolutionary War in Pennsylvania.

What was . . . Valley Forge


What was signed by Americans and the British that stated Great Britain would let go of claims to the Northwest Territory and both countries would work together to end the slave trade?

What was . . . Treaty of Ghent


Legislation created during the New Deal that aided the flooding, electricity, and forestry of an area in the South.

What was . . . Tennessee Valley Authority