Pre-Colombian America
Colombian Exchange and Beyond
Early English Colonization
Spanish Exploration and Conquest
Atlantic Expeditions
This confederacy of Five Nations (The Mohawk, The Oneida, The Onondaga, The Seneca, and The Cayuga) dominated most of upstate New York and Canada.
Who are the Iroquois
Although born in Genoa, Italy Columbus sailed for this nation-state in 1492 on his fateful voyage west across the Atlantic.
What is Spain

English adventurer, Sir Walter Raleigh attempted a settlement here in 1587, but the venture failed. 

What is Roanoke Island?

This Spanish explorer crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513. 

Who is Vasco Nunez de Balboa? 

This leg of the South Atlantic System brought captured Africans to the Caribbean and eventually N. America.
What is the "Middle Passage"
Located throughout Mexico, this empire's capital city of Tenochtitlan boasted nearly 350,000 residents prior to the arrival of Hernando Cortez in 1516.
Who are the Aztecs
More than any other factor of the Colombian Exchange, this impacted American Indian people the most, decimating their population to only a few hundred thousand in the present day.
What is disease

England's earliest claims to territory in North America came from this Genoese navigator hired by King Henry VII in 1497, who explored the coast of Newfoundland. 

Who is John Cabot? 

This Portuguese explorer sailed for Spain and was the first to circumnavigate the globe in the 1500s (although he died on the way back)

Who is Ferdinand Magellan? 


This Portuguese monarch eventually succeeded in opening up a long sea route around South Africa's Cape of Good Hope, by sponsoring his countrymen's voyages. 

Who is Prince Henry the Navigator? 

Most American-Indian groups followed this type of lineage which placed women at the top of the social-political pyramid as keepers of the villages and advisers to chiefs.
What is matralineal
Of all the European nations who encountered American Indians, this one enjoyed probably the most cordial relationship through mutual understanding and gift-giving.
What is France

England was delayed in their efforts to follow up on John Cabot's discoveries due to being preoccupied by this King's break with the Catholic Church in the 1530s. 

Who is Henry VIII?


Following the example set by Cortez, this Spanish explorer conquered the Inca of Peru in the 1530s. 

Who is Francisco Pizarro? 

This key 1517 event in Germany led to revolts against the authority of the Pope, a series of religious wars, and caused European monarchs to want to spread their versions of Christianity to people in Asia, Africa and the Americas. 

What is the Protestant Reformation? 


The tribes of this region in North America were supported by farming using irrigation systems and lived in caves, under cliffs and in multistoried buildings. 

What is the Southwest? 

The import of this New World vegetable to Africa in the 1500s sharply increased their indigenous population but at the same time made them prime candidates for slavery soon after.
What is maize (corn)

This English queen supported challenging Spanish shipping in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in the 1570s and 1580s. 

Who is Queen Elizabeth? 


Due to the wealth they stole from the Inca and Aztecs, Spanish conquistadors increased the gold supply in Spain by more than this percentage. 

What is 500 percent? 


The Portuguese first established this type of slave plantations on islands off the coast of Africa such as Madeira and the Azores, making this crop so profitable that it led to the push for slave labor in the Caribbean. 

What is sugar? 

This Native American culture group prospered in the with a rich food supply; they hunted, fished and built many settlements in the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys, and left many earthen mounds behind after their disappearance.  

Who were the Woodlands or Mississippians? 

Formally established in 1610 by the Spanish as a northern province of New Mexico, it today remains the oldest capital city in what is now the United States
What is Santa Fe

This English sea captain attacked Spanish ships, seized the gold and silver they carried, and even attacked Spanish settlements on the coast of Peru during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 

Who is Francis Drake? 


After the decline of the encomienda system, Spain brought enslaved Africans under this system, which required the Spanish to pay a tax to their King for each slave they imported. 

What is the asiento system? 

The lands that Columbus explored were eventually named for this man whose first name was Amerigo, who later explored the coast of South America.

Who is Vespucci?