Pre-Colombian America
Colombian Exchange and Beyond
Early English Colonization
English-Native Relations

This confederacy of The Mohawk, The Oneida, The Onondaga, The Seneca, and The Cayuga) dominated most of upstate New York and Canada.

What was the Iroquois Nation?


This is how many voyages Christopher Columbus made before his 1503 death.

What is 4?


This outpost, established in 1607, became the first permanent English colony as it grew into what is now known as Virginia.

What is Jamestown?


Born Metacomet, this Wampanoag leader organized a confederacy of Native American tribes against the English settlers of Massachusetts

Who is "King Philip"?


This explorer spent many years in China, and his return in 1395 sparked an interest in finding a quicker route to Asia.

Who was Marco Polo?


The Aztec's capital city of Tenochtitlan boasted nearly 350,000 residents prior to the arrival of this man in 1516.

Who was Hernando cortez?


More than any other factor of the Colombian Exchange, this impacted American Indian people the most, decimating their population to only a few hundred thousand in the present day.

What is disease?


This was the first "boom crop" of the New World for English colonists in the W. Indies; its success led to the passage of the Navigation Acts.

What is sugar?


This Algonquin chief was the first Native political leader to make contact with the English colonists at Jamestown

Who is Powhatan?


This Aztec chieftain who encountered cortes riding a horse, thought he was a god, welcomed him, treated him like a god, then cortes crushed him and and his people.

Who was Montezuma?


Most American-Indian groups followed this type of lineage which placed women at the top of the social-political pyramid as keepers of the villages and advisers to chiefs.

What is matralineal?


Of all the European nations who encountered American Indians, this one enjoyed probably the most cordial relationship through mutual understanding and gift-giving.

What is France?


Queen Elizabeth knighted this man on his ship, after he pirated Spanish ships for gold, then circumnavigated the globe. Spanish revenge followed.

Who was Sir Francis Drake?


This sacred object made from clam shell beads was often used by coastal and inland Algonquin tribes to "seal" a new friendship, alliance, etc. The English used it as a form of currency to obtain furs during the 1600s.

What is wampum?


This is the name given by the Spanish have to people of mixed Spanish and Native American race.

What is Mestizos?


This practice of having smaller, weaker nations pay goods/gold to stronger nations for protection or after being conquered, was practiced by many tribes, including the Aztec, Inca, and Algonquins, (and later the Spanish).

What is the tribute system?


The import of this New World fruit,vegetable, and grain combo crop to Africa in the 1500s sharply increased their indigenous population but at the same time made them prime candidates for slavery soon after.

What is maize (corn)?


This system of granting 50-100 acres of land to those who paid for the import of an indentured servant to Virginia during the 1600s,b mostly added to the wealth/economic power of the plantation owners, and left little to those servants who eventually became free.

What is the "headright system"?


In 1614, this war ended with a peace treaty sealed with the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe.

What is the Anglo-Powhatan war?


He brutally crushed the pueblo Indians and founded New Mexico, and the first capital city of the new world, Santa Fe.

Who was Don Juan de Onate?


Known as the "people of the first light", this Algonquin tribe occupied the coastline of what would be come known as Massachusetts for thousands of years prior to the arrival of the English in 1620.

Who are the Wampanoags?


Formally established in 1610 by the Spanish as a northern province of New Mexico, it today remains the oldest capital city in what is now the United States

What is Santa Fe?


Puritan leader who's "City on a Hill" sermon in 1630 set the stage for mass colonization of Massachusetts Bay as well as the notion of Puritans (and later Americans) being an "exceptional" people.

Who is John Winthrop?


These villages, established by Massachusetts resident John Eliot, were for Native Americans who had converted to Christianity and renounced their "savage" customs for protection from Puritan attacks on their land/culture.

What are "praying towns"?


Female Indian slave, who was Cortes' translator.

Who was Malinche?