Native Relations
British Relations

Which European nation's colonization focused on fur trading and establishing settlements along major rivers?



What was the Native realization that prompted King Philip's/Metacom's war

The Natives realized the settlers would push them out of their land/kill their culture


What religion dominated Pennsylvania during the 15th and 16th century?

Quaker denomination of christianity


What was the term used for when the British took American sailors and turned them into British Soldiers?



What was the first English colony in North America?



What was the main economic drive of the British colonies in North America?

The development of cash crops like tobacco and rice


How did the French use Natives for fur trading profit?

The French married into Native families to have a trade kinship


What were the Salem Witch Trials?

Puratins in the town of Salem Massachusets pursecuting members of their community who were believed to be witches


What led to errtic enforcement of imperial policies in the colonies?

Conflicts between colonists and American Indians


Who was the Quaker who found the colony of Pennsylvania and how?

King Charles II of England had a large loan with William Penn's father, so after his fathers death, King Charles granted Penn a large area which he named "Pennsylvania"


 What was the primary purpose for mercantilism for European countries during this period?

 To accumulate wealth and power by exporting more than importing.


What was Bacon's rebellion?

First popular uprising in North American history. Also an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley.


What was the Great Awakening?

An outburst of Protestant Revivalism in the eighteenth century.


What was the unofficial term used for the policy where parliamentary laws did not affect or very loosely affected the American Colonies and American trade?

Salutary Neglect


How did Joint-Stock Companies help investors feel secure in giving money to new world expeditions

Made the harm less by spreading it out, and the profit equally distrobuted


Explain the system of Triangular Trade

 Americas would send raw materials to Europe and Africa, Europe supplied Africa and America with finished goods, and Africa captured and transported slaves to America


What was the result of Bacon's rebellion long-term?

Because indentured servants rose up, slaves were relied on more heavily after this. Aswell as the creation of slave codes


Who were the New Lights?

Preachers and followers who adopted the new ideas brought forth by the Great Awakening


What were the effects of Mercantilism in the colonies?

Large trade restrictions, stunted the growth and freedom of colonial business


What was the Atlantic Slave trade?

A period of human enslavement that lasted from the 16th to the 19th centuries where European slave traders kidnapped, abused, and transported enslaved Africans to the Americas.


What was the Navigation Acts and how did this build up to the American Revolution?

The Navigation Acts limited trade and put taxes on items that were imported to the colonies. This act increased hostility in English colonies, which ultimately led to the American Revolution.


How did the Spanish make it easier for the Dutch, French, and British takeover of native lands?

The Spanish had already piliaged some native lands and forced the people to be slaves or just killed them with disease. They also changed their culture by introducting metals etc.


What are some characteristics of the Great Awakening?

revivals led by evangelical Protestant ministers, increase in interest in religion, an increase in evangelical church membership


What were the Navigation Acts of 1651?

The Navigation Acts of 1651 stated that only English Ships could bring goods into England and that the North American colonies can only export commodities into England.


What was the Mayflower Compact?

Idea that government power came from the people and not god