Colonial Founding and Leadership
Religious and Social Movements
Colonial Economy and Labor
Colonial Conflicts and Politics
Native American Relations

This soldier and leader is credited with helping Jamestown survive through his leadership and discipline.

Who is John Smith?


This group sought to purify the Church of England.

Who are the Puritans?


This cash crop became vital for the survival and success of Jamestown

What is tobacco?


This 1676 uprising in Virginia led to a shift from indentured servants to African slaves.

What is Bacon’s Rebellion?


This Native American alliance played a major role in colonial wars, often aligning with the British.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?


This joint-stock company was chartered to establish settlements in North America, most famously Jamestown.

What is the Virginia Company?


This religious leader's charismatic preaching attracted thousands during the First Great Awakening.

Who is George Whitefield?


A labor system where people worked for a set number of years in exchange for passage to the colonies.

What was indentured servitude?


This series of laws restricted colonial trade to benefit Britain.

What are the Navigation Acts?


The Native American leader who led a major war against English settlers in New England in 1675-76.

Who is Metacom (King Philip)?


This leader of the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony envisioned it as a "city on a hill."

Who is John Winthrop?


The religious movement in the 1720s-1740s that revived emotional preaching and religious fervor.

What is the First Great Awakening?


A system where African Americans were legally treated as property, with their status inherited through the mother.

What was chattel slavery?


The 1688 revolution in England that limited the power of the monarchy and influenced colonial governance.

What is the Glorious Revolution?


This daughter of Chief Powhatan is known for her association with John Smith and Jamestown.

Who is Pocahontas?


A 1620 agreement that established self-government for the Pilgrims in Plymouth

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This religious group, known for their pacifism, settled in Pennsylvania.

Who are the Quakers?


A system that allowed land grants in exchange for bringing settlers to the colony.

What was the Headright System?


This violent war from 1756 to 1763, known in North America as the French and Indian War, was part of a larger global conflict between Britain and France.

What is the Seven Years' War?


A violent 1637 conflict between Puritan settlers and a Native tribe, which resulted in the near annihilation of the tribe.

What is the Pequot War?


This religious dissenter was banished from Massachusetts and founded Rhode Island.

Who was Roger Williams?


A 1662 compromise that allowed partial church membership for the children of church members who were not fully converted.

What is the Halfway Covenant?


A slave uprising in South Carolina in 1739, which was the largest in the colonies before the American Revolution.

What was the Stono Rebellion?


This 1707 political unification combined England and Scotland into a single kingdom.

What is the Act of Union?


This leader of the Pueblo people led a successful revolt against the Spanish in 1680

Who is Popé?