French and Indian War
French and Indian War II
Causes I
Causes II
Causes III

In what region did the war start over disputed territory?

Ohio River Valley


The British were losing a majority of battles early on, but received stronger help with more effective utilization of volunteer forces in the colonial ____.



Colonists began smuggling goods to get better prices, avoid taxes, and maintain their colonial autonomy. One famous colonial smuggler was____.

John Hancock


The _____ was a secret Patriotic organization to advance colonists rights, resist taxation and overall rule of British government in the colonies

Sons of Liberty

Bonus: What was one way they would sometimes use harm/violence against the British?


Violence erupts when 5 colonists, including an African slave named Crispus Attucks, are killed in the_____, leading to all taxes being repealed (temporarily).

Boston Massacre


The French and Indian War began when Colonel  __ and Virginia colonists’ attempted to capture the French fort, Fort Necessity

George Washington


What formal peace agreement ended the French and Indian War? (Don’t forget the year!)

Treaty of Paris 1763

Bonus: What happened to France at the end of the war?


____ required colonists to provide food and housing for British soldiers

Quartering Act


One of the most effective forms of resistance that ultimately led to the repeal of the Stamp Act was______.


& Non-Consumption Agreements

Bonus: ___ said that England still has power over the colonies to tax them


How did the colonies keep up communication and resistance to English policies?

Committee of Correspondence


Who created this political cartoon as an attempt to promote colonial unity?

Benjamin Franklin

Bonus: This image was created during the French and Indian War (1754) but is later repurposed as a symbol of unity, freedom, and propaganda during the___.


What was the Native American uprising against the British and colonists attempting to move West after the French and Indian War?

Pontiac’s Rebellion

Bonus: What group of Scots-Irish settlers began attacking innocent Native Americans as they were demanding the Pennsylvania government provide protection


The Sugar Act passed a tax on sugar to raise revenue and crackdown on smuggling. Then, the___ placed a tax on a variety of legal documents (without the consent of colonial legislatures)

Stamp Act


After the repeal of the Stamp Act, _____ (1767) were new taxes on imports such as paper, tea, glass, etc.

Townshend Act


The___ Act (1773) granted a monopoly on ___ sales in the American colonies 

(Note: fill in the blank the same word).

Tea Act

Bonus: What did the Tea Act do to the price of tea and why did it upset the colonists?


What colonial group was formed by Benjamin Franklin to discuss colonial issues in the beginning of the French and Indian War?

Albany Plan of Union/ Albany Congress


After sending in troops to stop Pontiac’s Rebellion, King George III passes the____, a line that closed settlement of areas West of the Appalachian mountains.

Proclamation Act of 1763


One protest to the Stamp Act was Patrick Henry introducing the ____ in the Virginia House of Burgesses, condemning the Stamp Act as a violation of their rights as Englishmen

Virginia Resolves


____  wrote the “Letters from Pennsylvania” and argued for____

John Dickinson

“No taxation without representation”


___ was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in response to the Tea Act.

Boston Tea Party 


At the end of the French and Indian War, British began enforcing the_____ on the colonies

Navigation Acts/Laws


Due to the war debt, Britain wanted the colonies to pay taxes to pay for the war. This led to the end of the period of ___ .

Salutary Neglect

Bonus: What is the economic concept the British used to start a monopoly in the American colonies?


____ was a step toward intercolonial unity after a group of 9 representatives from the colonies met to petition King and Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act.

Stamp Act Congress

Bonus: What ancient Roman idea said that the people should have the power and send representatives to the government (directly challenging traditional authority of the British monarch)


As a result of non-importation, there was a boycott of British goods. People like the Daughters of Liberty helped organized____, to reduce their dependence on British goods.

Spinning Bees Homespun Goods


In response to the Boston Tea Party, King George III is not happy and passes the_____!


Intolerable Acts!

Bonus: Name at least two things it did in Boston