Significant People
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Textbook/AP Daily Video Knowledge

Who was George Washington?

First president of the US, commander of continental army, president of the constitutional convention


Significance of Whiskey Rebellion?

Demonstrated the power of the new federal government to enforce its laws and maintain order, solidifying the authority of the central government under the Constitution


Who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine


What is mercantilism?

Commercialism, belief in the benefits of trade


What was Pinckney’s treaty?

Signed in 1795 between the United States and Spain, established favorable trade conditions, clarified boundaries between Spanish Florida and the United States, and granted American ships the right to freely navigate the Mississippi River and use the port of New Orleans, securing vital access to the Gulf of Mexico for American commerce


Who was Thomas Jefferson?

3rd US president, democratic-republican, the primary composer of Declaration of Independence


What was the great compromise?

Solution at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that established a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate (two senators per state) and proportional representation in the House of Representatives based on population, reconciling the competing interests of large and small states.


What was Shays Rebellion?

A series of protests in 1786 and 1787 by American farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt?


What does the phrase “Taxation without representation” mean?

American colonists had to pay British taxes, even though they had no representation in their government


What was the XYZ affair?

Diplomatic incident in 1797 involving French demands for bribes from American diplomats, which escalated tensions between the United States and France and led to an undeclared naval war known as the Quasi-War.


Who was Thomas Paine?

English american writer, wrote common sense, used enlightenment ideas


What were the effects of the revolutionary war on women and the abolitionist movement?

Increased awareness of inequalities in society motivated some to call for – and enact – the abolition of slavery and women appealed for expanded roles


What did the XYZ affair eventually lead to?

The undeclared Quasi war


What was Remember the Ladies about?

Remember the ladies was a letter from Abigail Adams to her husband, John Adams, expressing the tyranny of men and women’s lack of representation and power in society.


What was the Treaty of Lancaster in 1744?

Agreement between the British colonies and the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy, aiming to establish boundaries and peaceful relations, but it also exposed tensions over land claims and colonial expansion in North America


Who was Benjamin Franklin?

Founding father, helped gain french support for american independence, helped draft declaration of independence and AOC


What was the declaration of independence inspired by

Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"


What was the difference between Federalists and Jeffersonians

While the Federalists advocated for a strong central government, Jeffersonians argued for strong state and local governments and a weak federal government.


Natural rights was a/n ______ idea



What was the Grand Settlement of 1701?

Treaty between the French and various indigenous tribes, notably the Iroquois, which ended decades of conflict in the Great Lakes region, facilitating French expansion and establishing a period of relative peace between European settlers and Native American nations.


Who was Alexander Hamilton?

Founding father, federalist (wrote federalist papers), founded American financial system


Name 3 impacts of the French and Indian war

England’s territory increased, colonists increased westward expansion, native pushback increased, britain issued proclamation of 1763, end of salutary neglect


What was the warning Washington gave in his farewell address?

To warn Americans against the danger of political parties, to remain neutral in foreign conflicts and to celebrate their achievements.


What was an important development of American identity involving literature?

American English was standardized


 What was the land ordinance of 1784-89?

Established a system for surveying and distributing land in the Northwest Territory, laying the groundwork for westward expansion in the United States.