Events Leading to Revolution
Key Legislation
Important Figures
Events and Treaties
Revolutionary Ideals

What was the major outcome of the Boston Massacre in 1770?

It fueled anti-British sentiments and propaganda, leading to increased calls for independence


What did the Stamp Act of 1765 impose on the colonies?

The Stamp Act required colonists to purchase special stamped paper for legal documents, newspapers, and other publications.


Who was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army?

George Washington.


What was the Treaty of Paris in 1783?

It officially ended the American Revolutionary War and recognized American independence.


What is the significance of the phrase "No taxation without representation"?

It expressed colonial opposition to British taxes imposed without their consent through elected representatives


Describe the significance of the Boston Tea Party in 1773.

The Boston Tea Party was a protest against British taxation, specifically the Tea Act, and led to the Intolerable Acts


What was the significance of Jay’s Treaty in 1795?

Jay’s Treaty resolved lingering tensions with Britain post-Revolution and facilitated trade but was controversial among Americans.


What role did Thomas Jefferson play in the American Revolution?

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence


Describe the Battle of Fallen Timbers and its outcome.

The Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) was a decisive victory for American forces against Native Americans, leading to the Treaty of Greenville.


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson


What were the Intolerable Acts, and why were they enacted?

The Intolerable Acts were punitive measures taken by Britain in response to the Boston Tea Party, aimed at restoring order in Massachusetts


What were the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, and why were they controversial?

These acts allowed the government to deport non-citizens and criminalize criticism of the government, raising concerns about First Amendment rights.


How did the presidency of John Adams (1797-1801) impact the future of political parties in the United States?

Adams' presidency highlighted divisions between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, shaping the future of American political parties


Who were the main parties involved in the Treaty of Paris signed in 1763?

Britain, France, and Spain, ending the French and Indian War.


What Enlightenment ideas influenced the American Revolution?

Ideas of natural rights, social contract, and government by consent of the governed


What was the purpose of the Stamp Act Congress in 1765?

The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting of representatives from the colonies to organize opposition to the Stamp Act


What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, and why was it important?

The Northwest Ordinance established a framework for the governance of new territories and emphasized the importance of education and prohibition of slavery in new states.


What role did Abigail Adams play in advocating for women's rights?

She famously urged her husband to "remember the ladies" when forming the new government.


When was the Constitution ratified, and what did it establish?

It was ratified in 1788 and established the framework for the federal government.


What role did Common Sense by Thomas Paine play in the Revolution?

It persuaded many colonists to support independence by arguing against monarchy and for self-governance.


What was Shays’ Rebellion, and what did it reveal about the Articles of Confederation?

Shays’ Rebellion was a 1786 uprising against economic injustices, highlighting the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a stronger federal government.


Explain the significance of the Proclamation of Neutrality issued in 1793.

It declared the United States neutral in conflicts between foreign nations, particularly during the French Revolutionary Wars.


What was the significance of George Washington’s presidency from 1789 to 1796?

Washington set many precedents for the future of the presidency and emphasized the importance of national unity and neutrality in foreign affairs.


Explain the historical significance of the American Revolution (1775-1781).

The American Revolution led to the establishment of the United States as an independent nation and inspired other movements for independence worldwide.


How did the ideas of liberty and democracy shape the new nation?

They inspired the formation of a government based on the principles of popular sovereignty and individual rights.